Nino Rota Songtexte
Der Pate: The Godfather Theme
What Is a Youth (Love Theme From 'Romeo & Juliet')
Love Theme (from 'The Godfather')
Parla piú piano
Boccaccio 70: Bevete più latte
Geboren am 03. Dezember 1911, Gestorben am 10. April 1979
Shoot Loud, Louder. . . I Don't Understand (Soundtrack)
Sunset Sunrise (Soundtrack)
- Sunset Sunrise (tema principale)
- Speranza (Tema di Tina)
- Arrivederci Europa!
- Separazione à Parigi
- Fiamma ardente
- Il ricordo di Tina
- La strada per Kathmandu
- Altro ricordo di Tina
- Tema dell’affondamento del sole
- L’alba di Messied
- Afghanistan
- Il réquiem di Tina
- Il sole tramonte, il sole sorge
- Sunset Sunrise (tema principale)
- Sunset Sunrise (Live concert in Japan)
Ten Songs for You (Compilation)
The Abdication (Soundtrack)
- Christina, the Queen
- The Abdication
- The Vatican
- Birgitto, the Dwarf
- Cardinals
- The Doll Queen
- Children's Plays
- Nightmare
- Thoughts
- Deer Hunting
- Holy Mother Church
- Cardinal Azzolino
- Christina and the Drawn Up Troops
- De La Garde: Love Remembered
- Despair
- Solitude
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo - Oath
- Impossible Love
- Christina's Decision
- Night Delirium
- Procession
- The Renouncement