Paranormal Nanodivision
- Paranormal Nanodivision
- Polymer Masters
- Silicon Chip
- Nc Drunk Signal C
- Technology Spells Doom...
- Second Implant
- His-And-Hers Implants
- Blue and White /ver_ 03/
- Pain Nasa (# Ncc-2-1244)
- Glass Capsule (The Security Vulnerability Cve-2000-0169)
- Cockroach's Motor Neurons 666 Hz Microprocessor
- Yacooza /ncc_ver/
- Implanting Lego
- Anything Could Be Controllable Via Implants
- Natural Abilities
28 Minutes of Silence for All Innocent Victims… And Boneses (Compilation)
- Intro
- Experimental Children Grinder
- Buchenwald Genocide
- Miss Auschwitz ’43
- Barbed Wires Isolation
- Made in Fleshland
- Unterkapo Slaughter
- Mengeled
- The Work Didn’t Free Them
- Human Bones Soap
- Mauthausen Cattle - Trucks
- Cremated Alive
- Kurt the God
- ??? /D.R.I. Alco - Cover Version/
- United Forces /S.O.D. Pacifisctic Cover Version/
- Energy of Nucleus
- Runtime Error
- Chains Reactions’ Domino a.k.a. Termic Firer /Metamorphosis/
- Neurotransmitter /Bunch of H2O Molecules in a Liquid Form/
- If It’s Mental 0xd1545b9b It Can’t Be Physical 0x1d171b12, If It’s Physical 0xbcf5725c It Can’t Be Mental 0xfd607fa3
- Ensembles H (P) = E (1.5 - (P + 1/2p2)) + 0.05 Sin2 (Ő (1-P) 1.8) & Classifiers
- Machine-Learning Research I (P, n) = Log2|s| - (|P|/|S| Log2|p|) - (|N|/|S| Log2|n|)
- Blue and White
- Silicon Chip
- Crack and Cocaine
- Marijuana
- Heroin
- Sick Atoms
- Alcohol
- Focused
- Something Is Collapsed
Reprocess Segment Database Extender
- Black Hole Monster in a Spin Releases Energy
- Billion Suns
- One Thing Is Sure
- Buzz
- The Paul Dirac Medal and Prize /Gorilla Gorilla Beringei/
- A Generalized Lie Derivative and Homothetic or Killing Vectors
- Xmm - Newton
- Electric Dynamo Effect
- Literate Physicist Gets Taste for Fiction
- Analysis of Iron Line
- The Hunt
- Payload Specialists
- Not Out
- Mcg-6-30-15
- New Generation of Neutrino Experiments Begins - the Ursus
- Something Is Collapsed in My Analbase
- Focused
- On the Return Trip Home
- The Brain Is 'classical'
- Two-Dimensional Penrose-Tiled Photonic Quasicrystals: From Diffraction Pattern to Band Structure
- Quantum Modelling of the Mind
- Spacetimes Admitting Isolated Horizons /Killing Vector Field/
- Chain Reacton's Domino Aka Termic Firer /Metamorphosis/
Mehr Songtexte

- Chains Reactions ´ Domino a.k.a. Termic Firer /Metamorphosis/
- If It's Mental 0xd1545b9b It Can't Be Physical 0x1d171b12, If It's Physical 0xbcf5725c It Can't Be Mental 0xfd607fa3
- Superconductivity Research: 'Dry Magnets'
- Resurrection of Internal Circulation, Body Application and Human Nervous System
- Speaking Wi*Th Th*E (Illegal) Devil/Ce
- Quantum Transport in Optical Lattices
- Superstrings: A Theory of Everything
- Intro: Discovery
- The Principles
- Something Is Shitted With My Analbase