Music To Banana To
- Junkyard King
- Slinky
- Cave Crawl
- Pulse
- Scatterbrain
- Atomic Clock
- Squeeez
- Sinkdrip
- Canary
- Stop and Watch
- Gifgang
- Automatic
- Neural Scrub
- Doomgrab
- Turn
- Hunter
- Flutter
- Voltage Pressure
- Cold Stare
- Modumb
- StartSelect
- Basins
- Don't Fret (Bonus)
- AC Stem (Bonus)
- Beeping (Bonus)
- Techies (Bonus)
- Requiem for Rose (Interlude)
- Sambafellas (Interlude)
- Jinging Bells (Interlude)
- Rage Quit (Interlude)
- Bad Job (Interlude)
- Overshadowed (Interlude)
- Together (Interlude)
- Welcome Home (Pedro's World)
- Popcorn (Pedro's World)
- Goosey (Pedro's World)
- Let's Lounge (Pedro's World)
My Friend Pedro OST
- Requium for Rose
- Junkyard King
- V A P E (von Nounverber)
- Slinky
- Pulse
- Discrete (von Noisecream)
- Scatterbrain
- Atomic Clock
- Squeeez
- Cave Crawl
- Sambafellas
- Low Life on the Highway (von Battlejuice)
- Jingling Bells
- Sinkdrip
- Canary
- Stop and Watch
- The Alien (von Noisecream)
- Gifgang
- Automatic
- Mist of Rage (von Noisecream)
- Welcome Home
- Popcorn
- Goosey
- Let's Lounge
- Ragequit
- Neural Scrub
- Doomgrab
- Pendulum (von Nounverber)
- Turn
- Hunter
- Flutter
- Bad Job
- The Doom Party (von Noisecream)
- Overshadowed
- Voltage Pressure
- Cold Stare
- Modumb
- StartSelect
- Basins
- Look That Kills (von Untitled Project of Maks_SF)
- Together