Nathan Van Cleave Songtexte
Geboren am 08. Mai 1910, Gestorben am 03. Juli 1970
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Soundtrack)
- Seal and Main Title
- Fires of Mars
- False Alarm
- Martian Night
- Search for Shelter
- Search for Partner
- Enter Mona
- Homeward Trek / Return to the Cave
- Alarm Clock / Alone on Mars / The Flutestone (overlay)
- Dinner for Two
- Water
- Lonely Lights
- My Echo, My Monkey and Me
- Martian Matzo Balls / The Dream
- Strange Grave
- Enter Friday
- Guest in the Cave / And So to Bed
- Language Lesson
- Search for Partner (excerpt) / Pit of Death
- Ask Them / Storm’s Aftermath
- The Attack / Along the Ledge
- On to the Ice Cap / Friday’s Sacrifice
- Water Hazard
- Snow Storm
- Finale / End Title
- Selection for Tape Recorder
- Bagpipe No. 1, 2 and 3 (consisting of "Dixie" by D.D. Emmett)
- Organ — 23rd Psalm
The Space Children / The Colossus of New York (Soundtrack)
- Prelude
- The Arrival (Humming Sound)
- A Friendly Hand / The Thunderer (Launching Center)
- The Brain's Descent Pt. 1 / The Brain's Descent Pt. 2
- No Swimming / Search for the Brain / The Brain / Strange Conduct / For Two Cents
- Gamble Chases Tim / The Brain Protects Tim
- Joe Is Dead
- Get It Out / What Is It? / Hide It / Tonight
- Dave Becomes Paralyzed
- Truck Stops
- Sentry Shack
- Hank Views the Brain
- The Brain's Message
- The Unexpected
- Doctor and Brain
- Open Sesame / Zero Hour
- The Barricade / Brain's Departure & Finale
- Main Title / Machinery
- Famous Man
- Jeremy Is Killed
- Dr. Spensser Operates
- Family Chapel
- Jeremy's Brain
- Alpha Waves
- The Colossus / Decision to Live
- Don't Goad Me / Billy and the Giant
- The Missing Billy
- Moonlight Walk / The Forced Kiss / Out of the Shadows
- The End of Henry / A Very Loud Crash
- A Toy for Billy / U.N. Building
- Colossus Falls
- Finale
- Farewell Party
- Idlewild