Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows Original Score Soundtrack
- Web of Shadows
- Shipwrecked And Stunned
- Sidorak And Roodaka
- Flying Escape
- Can't Be Ugly
- Roodaka's Evil Plan
- The Rahaga
- Vakama Captured
- Roodaka Seduces Vakama
- I Doubt You'd Recognize Me
- The Great Temple
- Vakama Has Changed
- The Falling Tears
- The Visorak Hoard
- Keetongu Found
- Bow Down To Vakama And Sidorak
- What Happened To You
- Strength Comes From Unity
- Makuta Set Free
- Off To Mata-Nui
- Roodaka (Unused Theme)
BIONICLE Mask of Light (Soundtrack)
- Legend of the Bionicle
- A Great Kanohi Mask
- Our New Koli Field
- Koli Tournament
- Prophecy of a 7th Toa
- Gali's Meditation & Birth of the Rahkshi
- Trust in the Mask
- The Fall of Ta-Koro
- Toa Lewa Helps
- You Were Following Me
- Rahkshi Washed and Chilled
- Shadows Are Everywhere
- Destruction of Onu-Koro
- Healing Tahu
- Toa Reunited and Death of Jaller
- A New Hero
- A Simple Game of Koli
- Unity, Duty, Destiny