Witness: A Nashville Tribute to the Book of Mormon
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- Just For Me
- In A Letter Home
- Angels In The Streets
- Hardest Things I Ever Loved To Do
- The Only Prayer That Matters
- Work
- Bless My Son
- Lamb to the Slaughter [narration]
- The Rising
- American Dreams [narration]
- Candles [narration]
- He Walked a Mile in My Shoes [narration]
- American Dreams
- The Greatest Story
- Apostles
- Pilate's Wife
- Emma [narration]
- Brother I'll Follow You [narration]
- Farewell Nauvoo [narration]
- Say Uncle [narration]
- The One
- Modern-Day Samson [narration]
- He Walked a Mile in My Shoes
- Lamb to the Slaughter
- Candles Narration
- Emma
- American Dreams Narration
- Say Uncle Narration
- He Walked a Mile in My Shoes Narration
- Emma Narration
- The Rising Narration
- Modern‐Day Samson Narration
- The Prayer
- Lamb to the Slaughter Narration
- Say Uncle
- Brother I’ll Follow You Narration
- Farewell Nauvoo Narration