Nash the Slash Songtexte
We Will Be the Leaders
Geboren am 26. März 1948, Gestorben am 10. Mai 2014
Dreams and Nightmares
Nosferatu (Soundtrack)
- Murnau's Vision
- Nina and Jonathon
- Renfield's Scheme
- 'Don't Worry Nina'
- Forboding Journey
- Jonathon Awakes
- The Land of Phantoms
- 'You Are Late'
- Blood
- Letter to Nina
- 'What a Lovely Throat'
- Fear and Premonition
- Sense of Menace
- The Crypt
- Dracula Packs
- Rats
- Venus Flytraps and Other Vampires
- Nina Among the Dunes
- Fatal Breath
- Renfield's Master
- Dracula Unpacks
- Nosferatu
- The Ship of Horrors
- Drum Alarm
- The Book of Vampires
- Plague
- Renfield's Revenge
- Nina's Trance
- Sacrificing Nina
- The Morning Sun