MyNewSoundtrack Songtexte
Geboren am 06. Dezember 1993
Best 8-bit Hits (Volume 1) (Remix)
- Aquatic Ruin Zone (Sonic 2)
- Bonus Stage (Sonic 3D Blast)
- Dragon Roost Island (Wind Waker)
- Wily Stage 3 (Mega Man 7)
- Spider Man's Theme (8-bit)
- Rookie and Popple Battle (M&LSSS)
- Petalburg City (Pkmn RSE)
- Chemical Plant Zone (Sonic 2)
- Burning Town (Shantae)
- Challengers (DBZ Budokai)
- Get on the Bus (Earthbound)
- Onett (Super Smash Bros Melee)
- Fillmore (Actraiser)
- Windfall Island (Wind Waker)
- A Thousand Leagues Below (Shovel Knight)
Best 8-bit Hits (Volume 2) (Remix)
- Gravity Falls Main Theme
- Darkness Leads the Way
- Meat Beat Mania (Steven Universe)
- Trainer Battle (Pokémon Sun/Moon)
- Battle Theme (Shining the Holy Ark)
- Gourmet Race (Kirby Super Star)
- Main Theme (Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Oil Ocean Zone (Sonic 2)
- Hard Boiled Heavies (Sonic Mania)
- Cross your Heart (Haunted Castle)
- Wedgehurst Town (Pokémon Sword and Shield)
Best Genesis Hits, Volume 1 (Remix)
- Las Vegas (Top Gear)
- Shade Man (Mega Man 7)
- Spark Mandrill (Mega Man X)
- Mountain (Ninja Gaiden 2)
- Neon Tiger (Mega Man X3)
- Aya’s Theme (Touhou)
- Intro Stage (Mega Man 7)
- Take on Me (A-Ha)
- Streets of Desolation (Batman NES)
- Slash Man (Mega Man 7)
- Final Battle (Cave Story)
- Aqua/Magma Grunt Battle (Pkmn RSE)
- Gravity Beetle (Mega Man X3)
- Storm Owl (Mega Man X4)
- Storm Eagle (Mega Man X)
Best MMX Hits (Volume 1) (Remix)
- Bloody Tears (Castlevania 2)
- Tal Tal Heights (Zelda Link's Awakening)
- You Will Know Our Names (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Power Rangers Main Theme
- Guile's Theme (Street Fighter)
- Cornered (Phoenix Wright)
- Boss Theme (Sonic 2)
- Isaac (Golden Sun)
- Gerudo Valley (Zelda Ocarina of Time)
- Boss Battle (Final Fantasy 2)
- Mighty Number 9 Main Theme
- Beginning (Castlevania 3)
- Basilisk Mine (Ninja Gaiden)
- A Thousand Leagues Below (Shovel Knight)
- X vs Zero (Mega Man X5)