Muslimgauze Songtexte
Resume and Shaduf
Muslin Gauze Muslim Prayer
Geboren am 07. Juni 1961 als Bryn Jones , Gestorben am 14. Januar 1999
Zuriff Moussa
- Turkquuoize Jabel
- Haaretz Pulp
- Please Leave Calcutta as You Found It
- Truth Tablet
- Turkish Manipulator of Limbs
- Shah of Persia
- Farouk Head
- Thief of Sand
- Thief of Aqua
- Open In
- Shrine
- Cloud of Myrrh and Teargas Over Galilee
- Brazil Marijuana
- Your Mines in Kabul
- Anti Arab America, Part One
- Anti Arab America, Part Two
- Anti Arab America, Part Three
- Lost Zwawa
- Why Iraq
- Syrinj of...
- A Need for Suicide Bombazine
- Feng Shui Orange
- Hindustani Wireless Blackout
- Fond Memories of Idi Amin
Mehr Songtexte
- Horntid House
- Further Beyond
- Echoes of Melchizedek
- How Further Now Is Heaven
- Find the Missing Chord I Play
- Tick Tock Drop
- Wasz Whirling
- It's in Me
- Muslim Profit
- Annanage
- Gawati
- Where's the Missing Chord
- Hey Jagunath
- Acid Bends
- Khammurabi
- Zorasta
- Shamash
- Bha Ravi
- Yanunu's Hand
- Arab Jeruzalem
- Srebrenica
- Rawalpindi
- Cairo
- Tabriz
- Tuzla
- Esfahan
- Riyadh
- Tashkent
- Lahore
- Assyut
- Oran
- Pristina
- Faizabad
- Dakar
- Bradford
- Samarkand
- Essaouira
- Banja Luka
- Basta
- Kairouan
- Baku
- Nommos' Afterburn
- .V.H. F Tamil Tigers
- Tikrit
- Fersitta and Huma
- Mezzin Zahawi
- Heroin Smuggler
- Your Arms, Your Opium
- Oazi Hussain
- Bhutto
- Benazir Bhutto
- Loaded Guns for Iraq (Muslimgauze vs. Moondogg)
- Hard Rest (Muslimgauze vs. Talvin Singh)
- Open Sesame (Muslimgauze vs. Pearl)
- Infinate Luke Warm Vibe II (Muslimgauze vs. Luke Vibert)
- We Two Are None/Tangier Box (Muslimgauze vs. Apollon)
- Each Tear (of Fatima) (Muslimgauze vs. Spooncurve)
- So So (Muslimgauze vs. Oyster)
- The Avantgardist (Muslimgauze vs. Doppler 20:20)
- Infinate Luke Warm Vibe III (Muslimgauze vs. Luke Vibert)
- Jam Jarr (Muslimgauze vs. V-Neck)
- More Hard Rest (Muslimgauze vs. Talvin Singh)
- Small Steps to Palestine (Muslimgauze vs. Doppler 20:20)
- Tears for Allah (Muslimgauze vs. Spooncurve)
- Tongue Knife (Muslimgauze vs. Pearl)
- Dune (Muslimgauze vs. Force of Angels)
- This Gun Is Still Bleeding Loaded (Muslimgauze vs. Moondogg)
- Devabansha (Muslimgauze vs. Makyo/Bill Laswell)
- Bonus Track
- Narcotic (Version 1)
- Narcotic (Version 2)
- Narcotic (Version 3)
- Dome of the Rock 1
- Infidel Asphyxia 1
- Abdul's Halal
- Cafkir Wa Higra
- Route Amin Fraction
- Cafkir Ma Higra
- Adbul's Halal
- Khadija and Foreshta
- The Ottoman Muzeum of Cherised Momentos
- The Limb Amputator of Rinash
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Re-mix
- Loop
- Re-edit Themselves
- Chuggee
- Tozear Palm
- The Limb Amputator of Rinadh
- Shroud of Kohmeini, Part 1
- Shroud of Kohmeini, Part 2
- Lahore 1
- United States of Islam, Part 1
- Red Crescent, Part 1
- Red Crescent, Part 2
- United States of Islam, Part 2
- Untitled 1
- Untitled 2
- Untitled 3
- Untitled 4
- Untitled 5
- Untitled 6
- Untitled 7
- Untitled 8
- Untitled 9
- Untitled 10
- Untitled 11
- Untitled 12
- Untitled 13
- Toungue Tied in Sind
- Turkquuoize Jabel
- Arabs Improved Spain
- Black Islamic Garb
- Zurif Mousa
- Sik Out India
- 10 Past Chad
- Kaffeen
- Rabid Zionist Dog Muzzle No.3
- Divotee, Lie With Dogs
- Jaccouzzi of Tears (Part 1)
- Jaccouzzi of Tears (Part 2)
- Ishmael Tongue 2
- Bazoft Rope 2
- Muezzin Farsi 2
- Jawani Zindabad 2
- Corret Use of Sharia
- Hafeez Kadar
- Sufiq Gulf Breeze 1-2
- Azzazin II
- Fatwa
- Dugga Signal
- Cobra
- Baleh
- Na Khair
- Zibib
- Mosque Radio
- Taliban
- Zindag
- Daggar
- Under the Hand of Jaruzelsk
- Untitled
- Port Said 1
- Port Said 2
- Tafkir Ma Higra
- Oazi Hussain (Re-Prize-Al)
- Yasser Arafat's Radio
- [unknown]
- Come Inside Lahore
- Terracotta Bowl
- North Africa Is Not So Far Away
- Orange Camel Sherbert
- Jam Jarr
- Uzi Mahmood 11
- Uzi Mahmood 10
- Tongue Knife
- Open Sesame
- Arabs Killed by Izrael
- Fall of Granada
- Unfinished Mosque of the Hotel Menzah Zalagh
- Dune
- Agadir
- Marseille III
- Uzi Mahmood 6
- Uzi Mahmood 2
- Last Mosque of Herzegovina
- Morocco Leather Veil
- Derbuka Arghul
- Daughter Without Tongue
- Gunandveil
- Maghribi Hamza
- Maghribimaz
- Uzi Mahmood 9
- This Gun Is Still Bleeding Loaded
- Majlis
- Rafsanjani
- Egyptian Sand Siffter
- Days and Night's in No Mans Land
- Uzi Mahmood 3
- Abu Zeid
- Loaded Guns for Iraq
- Mullah Satellite
- Saracenic Lacquer
- Marseille I
- Baseej
- Uzi Mahmood 4
- So So
- The Girl Who Sleeps With Persian Tulips
- Smooth Prophet
- Excerpt From by the West Bank
- Nommos' Descending
- The Taliban / Paul Simon - Homeless / Miriam Makeba - Djiguinira
- Harvest Fire Mix
- Paxaphane Mix
- HIA Mix
- Not a Tavern but a Temple
- Unreleased Tracks
- Moments Just Passing By (mix one)
- Gulf Coast Mix
- Live at the Manchunian Turkish Baths
- Moments Just Passing By (mix two)
- WY Mix
- Remix From "Vote Hezbollah"
- Marseille, Part 2
- Gold Kalpakcilar Dome, Parts 1/2
- Melena Jesenska
- Into Iznik
- Turkish Black Sea
- Mea Culpa
- Abu Nidal Is Not in Cairo
- Radif, Avaz and Dastgah
- Horses of the Apothecary
- Interview
- Whirling Dub
- Sensi Palestine
- Libya
- Remixof Opiate and Mullah
- Remix of Thugghee
- The Power of the World
- Shroud of Khomeini Pt 2
- La Palestina Pt 1
- Souq El Gharb Pt 1
- Souq El Gharb Pt 2
- Shroud of Khomeini Pt 1
- Obeid Pt 1
- Obeid Pt 2
- For Abu Jihad Pt 1
- For Abu Jihad Pt 2
- Odour of Semtex Pt 2
- Odour of Semtex Pt 1
- La Palestina Pt 2
- Analog Zikr 2
- Analog Zikr 6
- Analog Zikr 1
- Analog Zikr 5
- (End Of 'Cobra Head Soup') + Dogheadgod
- Analog Zikr 3
- Cold Turkey
- Abdullah Kosher Halal
- Zahir Din, Cabdriver Of Zind
- Tel Aviv Carbomb
- Sounds Effect
- Hashishiya
- Zarm
- Remix From “Vote Hezbollah”
- Live Excerpt
- Gold Sutra
- Zahal End
- Hassan in Fez (extract)
- Amputation
- Remix of Opiate and Mullah
- Rabid Zionist Dog Muzzle No. 3
- Abdullahs, Halal Hotdog Jinngal
- Iraqi Opal
- Black September Sessions
- Bandcamp Exclusive Bonus Track 3
- Bandcamp Exclusive Bonus Track 2
- Bandcamp Exclusive Bonus Track 1
- Tassili n’Ajjer II
- Tassili n’Ajjer I
- Citadel in Nightlight I–IV
- Afrikaner (long remaster)
- 6Kaliskinazure
- 3Kaliskinazure
- Extract
- Resume and Shaduf Fatah Guerrilla
- 2Kaliskinazure
- Anti Arab Media Censor Part1
- Turkish Sword Swallower
- 7Kaliskinazure
- 1Kaliskinazure
- 5Kaliskinazure
- 4Kaliskinazure
- Zealot
- Sub Cahra Pt1
- Sub Cahra Pt2
- Tikrit Majishan
- Al-Gamaa Al-Izlamiya
- Fear of Gadaffi, Nettle Cloth, Baize Tents