Music Together Songtexte
Brincan y bailan
Funga Alafia
Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
Ran Tin Tinnah (RP)
Ninna nanna calabrese
Music Together Family Favorites (Compilation)
- Hello Song
- Biddy Biddy
- Splishing and Splashing
- Ridin’ in the Car
- Stick Tune
- She Sells Sea Shells
- Playin’ in the Kitchen
- Don Alfredo Baila
- John the Rabbit
- Spin and Stop
- Mississippi Cats
- One Little Owl
- Goin’ for Coffee
- Obwisana
- This Train
- Dancing with Teddy
- Allee Galloo
- May All Children
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Crawdad (RP)
- Five Little Mice
- The Train Song (TP)
- Eensy, Weensy Spider
- Fireworks
- The Sad Little Puppy (TP)
- Ridin' in the Car
- She Sells Sea Shells
- John the Rabbit
- Stick Dance (RP)
- Su La Li
- Foolin' Around
- Here is the Beehive (RP)
- Trot, Old Joe
- Doodle (TP)
- Palo, Palo
- Butterfly
- Allee Galloo
- Sleepyhead
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Crawdad (RP)
- Five Little Mice
- The Train Song (TP)
- Eensy, Weensy Spider
- Fireworks
- The Sad Little Puppy (TP)
- Ridin' in the Car
- She Sells Sea Shells
- John the Rabbit
- Stick Dance (RP)
- Su La Li
- Foolin' Around
- Here is the Beehive (RP)
- Trot, Old Joe
- Doodle (TP)
- Maria Isabel
- Butterfly
- Allee Galloo
- Sleepyhead
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell
- Hello Song
- Alabama Gal / Rhythm Patterns
- Rhythms and Rhymes
- Two Little Kitty Cats / Tonal Patterns
- Hopping and Sliding
- My Lady Wind
- Obwisana
- Snowflakes / Rhythm Patterns
- Celebration Song
- Deedle Dumpling
- Lukey's Boat / Tonal Patterns
- De Colores
- By 'n' By
- Sixty-Six
- Swinging
- Splishing and Splashing / Rhythm Patterns
- Me, You, and We
- French Folk Song
- Robby Roly
- Misty Morning / Tonal Patterns
- Trot, Old Joe / Rhythm Patterns
- The Bells of Westminster
- Mr. Rabbit
- The Water is Wide
- Goodbye, So Long, Farewell