Fill At Will
- Palette Cleanse
- Restaurant Down
- Saltines [Cosmo Remix]
- Coffee (Piece o' Pie Remix)
- Fast Food [Krilla Remix]
- Consumption (Measuring Man Phthisis Mix)
- Supermarket
- Brunch 3.0
- Ice Cream In The Park [Milk Plus Remix]
- Filet Mignon [Krilla Remix] (von More or Les feat. Latté D. Kyd)
- Late Night Food Committee
- Pizza Party (Air Horn Remix)
- Date With Dinner [3rd Date Remix]
Nerd Love
- Nerd Love
- Choose Your Own Avenger (Mighty version)
- Double Tomahawk
- Can I Get a Nerd Clap (Vengeance 1)
- 22 Pages
- Klingon Neighbours
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- Laugh, Live, Nerd (Vengeance 2)
- Fly Me to the Moon
- Pilot a Robot (A.T. Field remix)
- Danger Room
- Skill of Gymnastics, Kill of Karate
- Roll the Dice
- Picard Maneuver
- Oh Brilliant!