
- Five Million Fireflies
- Scatman's Theme
- robotnik
- Scatman's Bedrock
- Crank That Mad God
- My Innermost Mashpocalypse
- old town ribbon race
- i remade vvvvvvvv with the top 10 worst vsts
- Piercing your Mom
- Scatman’s Theme
- Scatman’s Bedrock
- Men hard at work (on top of my chest)
- Town “Remastered” Version
- (2,000 Sub special) Your best nightmare
- Gadgetquest
- Slab Slab Slab!
- Dandy Fuck
- boom clap spooky town
- Forest
- Balloon Mel
- Darude Dankstorm 2
- Horse Reboot
- Young Ripper’s Beat
- Chip Columbo
- Your Best Forumare (Vvvvvatale)
- offkey stroll
- Chip’s Shanty
- Scatman’s Room
- Summer L.O.V.E
- fuck you
- Pen Pineapple Gadget Room
- Really fucking scary chip
- Don’t Give Up (Vvvvvatale)
- Welcomed Dave
- Baby Oh Baby
- Field
- mashup draws near
- Cave
- Your Best Forummare (2k)
- bile
- Slab Mountain
- Horse Adventure
- Welcome Home
- Wilderness (Remastered)
- Summer Flow
- Haunted Horse
- Super Grindin’ Stiff
- be careful the soup is very hot let it cool down thank you
- Gadget VVVVVroom
- Rock my Countdown [Remastered] (777)
- VvvvvaVvvvvvr, don’t give up! (10k)
- Chip’s Flute Club
- Slab Collectors
- Journey through the Land of Mushrooms
- don’t roll in there
- Zaloompa
- Sonk fucking drowns you
- The Final Showdown (Original Draft) (Readme)
- The Art of Mashup
- Rips N’ Chips
- Chipperblock Sluggan
- Forever Turbo Heat Freestyle
- Tallgrass Tussle
- THE Highway King
- Burning Chevrolet
- Hopes and Tones
- Daddy’s Worst Nightmare
- horse chip
- Bicho’s Bro
- Go Home Chipeys
- Ode to Interior Aligator
- (2,000 Sub special) Rock my finale [Instrumental]
- Mash in Despair (10k)
- Polo Man
- Story of the Underforum [Remastered] (15k)
- I am Chip (Tha Ripper)
- Mash is Trash
- Bloodgator Rising
- The Aligator Nest
- Castle of Mirrors
- Tunnel
- Big Brain
- Same Key – Horse
- Deep Inside the Trunk
- Horse Reboot Foreshadowing
- The Final Countdown (777)
- The Wilderness
- Eddy March
- Muddy Booty
- Radio Host’s Beat
- Slab Up
- Old Ripper’s Beat
- space jam sans vvvvvv
- Don’t feed horses pizza
- Chevrolet Express
- Doing your gadget
- Field (Night)
- Continue (Game)
- horse 64
- Death King
- Protegent meem
- Crocodile Objection
- Town (???)
- Town (Night)
- Chip Blues
- My Ripper, My Chip
- Steel Movie Theater
- Don’t Stop Eating
- Gadget Lama
- Random Audio
- First Horse Encounter
- The Final Showdown
- Eddy Road
- town – chip
- Chipbones
- Lord Tha Ripper
- Goodbye Chip
- Pizza Boy
- Town
- Boom for clap
- Vroom Vroom
- Goodbye
- Story of the Underforum (1k)
- Salvation!
- Go ’skin
- reese’s town
- Air Raid
- Explodin’ Slabs
- Tanqueray Ocean
- Horse blue ripper
- Monolgam
- Chip Harder
- World Famous Wonder Boy Floyd
- Save the CHANNEL (10k)
- Cheap’s
- Chipley Baby
- Garage Day
- Game Over
- Cosmic Chippers
- welcome to hell
- Go Home Davey
- Praise Chip
- The Chip is Nigh
- Last Clap Before Hell
- Chip Lingers
- weird shit
- Grindin’ Stiff
- Hopes and Sliders
- Seriously why did this random song that I came across sound so similar to 4 siiva jokes
- The Rotten Finale
- Clap on Him
- Land of Chips
- Chip's Theme
- Roll the S.L.A.B
- Chipside
- boom clap from beyond
- Peace in Funny
- Rip Jr.
- Here Comes Chippo Bumclapghtiichi
- All Cleveland Rapper
- Chip's Dead
- The Big Ripper has Cometh
- Commit to the bit-CH... Vs. Sexer Dragon (To: The Duane)