(format) Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
- Opening Credits
- Sassafras
- QXP-13 Space Modulator
- Kharms Way
- Automaton
- Trishna
- The Cascades
- Formica
- Bappsciliophuaega
- Coven of Coyotes
- Daddylonglegz
- Camelopardalis
- Honey Key Jamboree
- (Rejected) Game Music No. 1
- (Rejected) Game Music No. 2
- (Rejected) Game Music No. 3
- (Rejected) Game Music No. 4
- Riktus Q1-A
- Nocturne Op. 33
- Banana
- Johnny Yen
- Flomatron
- Hapax Legomena
- Gnit (Final Credits)
- myrmaridae
- mommy, daddy, & the bosom buddy
- qx-p13 space modulator
- fountaigne
- it's your birthday today
- daddylonglegz y2k
- lazy hazel eye
- duet with rob reich
- disco tango
- delilah was a high flyin' floozy
- satan comes home
- paper cuts for chamber orchestra
- mating dance
- bluebeard
- it's a goth thing
- all things considered
- kharms duet
- ich möchte
- solo
- post-pre 2-9
- sjs: 2-9
- zha gunk
- lawn guy land
- duet with brian chase
- pæyrthkulon zneb
- cookie bookie
- Camelopardalis
- Bappsciliophuaega
- daddylonglegz for string quartet
- kharms for octet
- in memoriam Paul Bowles
- profundity defunct: part i
- profundity defunct: part ii
- profundity defunct: part iii
- profundity defunct: part iv
- profundity defunct: part v