Minibosses Songtexte
Castlevania 2
Gründung am 23. Oktober 1999
- Ben Baraldi
- Aaron Burke
- Fred Johnson
- John Lipfert
- Jeffrey Owens
- Colin Shaw
- Rich Smaldone
- Robin Vining
- Matt Wood
Live at the Middle East 4.02.04
Tour Mixtape
- Kid Icarus
- Double Dragon
- Super Mario Bros 3
- Goonies
- Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!!!
- Ninja Gaiden
- I Can’t Handle Change (von ROAR)
- The Wavelengths (von The Wavelengths)
- Doctor 5 (von Numb Bats)
- Movement on a Beach (von Where Are All the Buffalo?)
- Saber Tooth Boogie (von Boss Frog)
- War Song (LIVE) (von Pictures of Cake)
- Ode to Home (von Godd Friend Great Enemies)
Mehr Songtexte
- Super Mario Bros 2
- Double Dragon Stronghold
- Jesus Extract
- Metroid/Fatso
- Rygar's Castle
- Punchout (RISC)
- Zelda (Rock)
- Zelda (Electric)
- Megaman 2: Airman
- Castlevania 3: Demon Speed
- Megaman 2: Ending
- Megaman 2: Level Confirmation
- Mike Tyson's Punchout
- Castlevania 3: Rising
- Castlevania 3: Beginning
- Megaman 2: Boss Defeat
- Excremation Point
- Megaman 2: Flashman
- Megaman 2: Bubbleman
- Megaman 2: Wily Level One
- Megaman 2: Boss
- Megaman 2: Welcome to Wily's Castle
- Getting Busted With No Seatbelt
- Castlevania 3: Mad Forest
- Megaman 2: Start
- Megaman 2: Level Select
- Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!!
- The Wavelengths
- War Song
- Ode to Home
- Mega Man 2: Boss
- Jibber
- Castlevania 3: Demon Seed
- Jabber
- Mega Man 2: Flashman
- Mega Man 2: Bubbleman
- Mega Man 2: Welcome to Wily's Castle
- Mega Man 2: Airman
- Mega Man 2: Boss Defeat
- Mega Man 2: Level Select
- Mega Man 2: Ending
- Mega Man 2: Wily Level One
- Mega Man 2: Password
- Mega Man 2: Level Confirmation
- Castlevania III
- untitled
- Megaman II