Live at the Ramones Museum, Berlin 14/4/13
Mehr Songtexte

- This Is What It Sounds Like When You're Listening to Lindsey Buckingham and Thinking of Your Friend's Girlfriend at the Same Time
- Everybody Knows Her
- Confetti
- Symptom of the Universe
- Step Right This Way
- Colleen
- Mother Nature's Son
- Bon Voyage
- The New Departure Blues
- Onezerothree
- Second City
- Chicago Pussy
- The Art of Stupidity
- Dum Coz I Said So
- Hopland Superette
- Kimberly Gofigure
- Waxbuilt Castles
- City Lettings
- Bad Decision Monday
- & Nico
- Little Crushes
- Clueless or Cruel?
- Why Was I Programmed To Feel Pain?
- Somewhere Drinking, Drinking Somewhere