Harmonia Caelestis
- O magnum mysterium
- Senex puerum portabat
- Duo Fecit potentiam
- O crux benedicta
- Duo Et resurrexit
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maria
- Duo Benedictus
- O Domine Jesu Christe
- Duo Pleni sunt
- Dominus meus et Deus meus
- Benedictus Isaac
- Salve Regina
- Duo Pleni sunt
- Ave Virgo sanctissima
- Ave maris stella/Fantasia
- Oculi mei semper ad Dominum
- Pater noster
- Inviolata integra
- Ave Regina caelorum
- Ubi caritas et amor
Mater Dolorosa: Music for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
Sfumato: Musica per voce e liuto del Rinascimento italiano
- Poi che volse la mia stella
- Recercare VI
- Vergine bella
- Che debbo far?
- Recercar
- O mia ciecha e dura sorte
- Recercare XV
- O passi sparsi
- Recercare X
- Donna leggiadr'et bella
- Quando Amor i begli occhi
- Reccerchar AR
- Ultimi miei sospiri
- Recercata
- Quanto sia lieto il giorno
- Recercar duodecimo
- Con lagrime et sospir
- Fantasia
- Perché son tutto foco
- Donna se'l cor di ghiaccio
- Orlando fa' che ti raccordi
- Piango che Amor
- Recercar secondo
- Dissi a l'amata mia lucida stella
Mehr Songtexte

- Perche' son tutto foco
- Donna leggadri' et bella
- O mia cieche e dura sorte
- Kemp's Jig (Arr. for Lute by Ron Andrico)
- Fantasia (Arr. for Lute by Ron Andrico)
- Who is Sylvia? (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Sleep Slumbering Eyes (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Romanesca - Galliard (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Like As The Lute Delights (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Full Fathom Five (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- As I Walked Forth (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Have I Caught My Heavenly Jewel? (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- My Mind To Me A Kingdom Is (Arr. for Lute by Ron Andrico)
- The Willow Song (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- O Mistress Mine (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Greensleeves (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- When Griping Griefs (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Come Away Death (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Robin Is To The Greenwood Gone (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Farewell Dear Love (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Almaine - Oxford's Galliard (Arr. for Lute by Ron Andrico)
- Orpheus With His Lute (Arr. for Lute and Voice by Ron Andrico and Donna Stewart)
- Galliarda Romanesca (Arr. for Lute by Ron Andrico)