Geboren am 19. Februar 1954
The Milk of M. Gira: Collected Solo Home Recordings 2001 - 2010 (Compilation)
Mehr Songtexte

- Michael's White Hands
- [Body Lovers 1]
- [Body Lovers 2]
- [Body Lovers 3]
- [Body Lovers 4]
- [Body Lovers 5]
- [Body Lovers 6]
- [Body Lovers 7]
- [Body Lovers 8]
- [Body Lovers 9]
- [Body Lovers 10]
- [Body Haters 1]
- [Body Haters 2]
- My Birth (1996)
- The Idiot (1996)
- MTV and the Cult of the Body (1996)
- Bloodsucker (1984)
- The Sex Machine (1994)
- My True Body
- My New Body
- New City In The Future
- My Dead Son
- Goddamn The Sun
- Beautiful One
- The Condemned Man
- The Egg
- I Am the Stars
- His Name Is Fuck
- Serendipity
- Married
- The Young Boy
- Brothers
- The Great Annihilator
- The Seer
- Helpless Child
- [Before the Show]
- A Piece of the Sky
- New Mind