Shovel Fighter (Live)
Big Dumb Animal (Live)
- Killin' It!
- That's Not The Point
- Stupid Indestructible Maniacs
- 39 Is Lamer Than 40
- I Like Young Dudes
- Portland, Oregon Is Too Nice Of A Place
- My Dad, My Mom, And Even Once
- Gay Power
- Quiet Jagerbomb
- Angels
- Korea!
- Big Dumb Animal
- 40 Days And 40 Nights Of Silent Bobs
- Peaches
- Koko Mad
- Mall Therapist
- The Two Things To Hate About Los Angeles
- Wildcattin'
Mehr Songtexte

- George W. Bush's DUI
- Jesus on the Mount
- Bathroom Graffiti
- Owls
- Bed Calzones
- My Summer's Eve Commercial
- Marble Slab Creamery, Literate Athlete
- Comedian
- The Two Funniest Names in Portland, Rusty Nail
- Christmas Songs Are Terrifying, Cadbury Cream Eggs
- Doors Whopper
- Marijuana and the Piano Man, Vanity Plate
- Soak Up the Night
- Lifting Weights to the Smiths
- Rapper Interview
- Country Boy Wins Again