Massimiliano Foti Songtexte

- Hell
- Decapitator
- Pieces of Eight
- Judgement
- Sacrifice
- Warlord
- Tears of War
- A Man by his Word
- Heracles
- Judgemental
- Chronic Breakdown
- Mechanized
- Zero Tolerance
- Terminal Fracture
- Theta
- Extraction
- Heavy Lifter
- Critical Point
- Skullbreaker
- Perpetual Burn
- Adamantium
- Bloodshed
- Tomorrow’s End
- Paradigm
- Eternity
- Insurgence
- Quintessence
- Altered
- Nuclear
- Atomize
- Exterminate
- Slasher
- Everything About to Be Lost
- Sheer Will to Resist (no vocals)
- Arch Enemies
- Arch Enemies (no vocals)
- Hit Them With Everything We’ve Got
- All the Strength of Hercules (no vocals)
- Attack Formation (no vocals)
- Evil Overlord
- All the Strength of Hercules
- It All Hits Home
- Everything About to Be Lost (no vocals)
- Salvation Is in the Fight
- Fight to the Last Ship (no vocals)
- Straight Through the Heart (no vocals)
- Hit Them With Everything We’ve Got (no vocals)
- Underworld Fighters (no vocals)
- Salvation Is in the Fight (no vocals)
- Straight Through the Heart
- Underworld Fighters
- Sheer Will to Resist
- It All Hits Home (no vocals)
- Fight to the Last Ship
- Attack Formation
- Evil Overlord (no vocals)
- Encrypted
- Bulldozer
- Phrenesis
- Epinephrin
- Free Fall
- Kinetophobic
- Staminatic
- We Must Launch Now
- It All Comes To This
- Heavy Hitter
- Unveiling The Mighty Machine
- No One Left Behind
- The Sky Will Fall
- Get To The Summit
- Brutal Aftermath
- Decimator
- Hope Is Not Lost
- Pound Your Way Out
- Nemesis Forever
- Hostile Lunar Takeover (no vocals)
- Not Coming Back From This One (no vocals)
- Unveiling the Mighty Machine (no vocals)
- Vengeful Strike (no vocals)
- Never Forget the Ones We Lost
- Infinite Power
- My Birthright (no vocals)
- Can’t Escape the Darkness (no vocals)
- Descent Into the Void
- Darkened Horizon (no vocals)
- Never Forget the Ones We Lost (no vocals)
- Fight to Save This World
- It All Comes to This (no vocals)
- Heavy Hitter (no vocals)
- Breaking a Promise (no vocals)
- Broken Mission
- Imminent Attack
- The Threat Is Always Out There
- We Are Your Brothers (no vocals)
- Unpunished Sins
- The Last Stand
- Obliteration (no vocals)
- Forging New Heroes (no vocals)
- Vengeful Strike
- Nemesis Forever (no vocals)
- No One Left Behind (no vocals)
- Forgotten Memories (no vocals)
- Forsaken Legacy (no vocals)
- Long Shadow of the Empire (no vocals)
- Infinite Power (no vocals)
- Descent Into the Void (no vocals)
- Hope Is Not Lost (no vocals)
- A Man Is Down
- Into the Tempest
- Journey to the Core (no vocals)
- Journey to the Core
- Toxic Battlefield
- We Are Your Brothers
- The Ultimate Weapon
- Time Is Running Short
- Our Honor Is at Stake (no vocals)
- Darkened Horizon
- Taking It to the Limit (no vocals)
- The Sky Will Fall (no vocals)
- Breaking a Promise
- The Sword Is Heavy
- Not Coming Back From This One
- Relentless Waves of Attack
- Grand Odyssey
- Abandoned but Still Strong
- Forging New Heroes
- Long Shadow of the Empire
- Get to the Summit (no vocals)
- Abandoned but Still Strong (no vocals)
- Defy Those That Left Us Here
- Absolute Loyalty
- Burning Retaliation (no vocals)
- Pound Your Way Out (no vocals)
- Broken Mission (no vocals)
- A Heavy Heart
- Forgotten Memories
- Falling City (no vocals)
- Relentless Waves of Attack (no vocals)
- Unpunished Sins (no vocals)
- The Sword Is Heavy (no vocals)
- It’s All Riding on This
- Fallen Gods (no vocals)
- Antimatter Breach (no vocals)
- Last Chance (no vocals)
- Fateful Decision (no vocals)
- Absolute Loyalty (no vocals)
- Boldest Plan
- Decimator (no vocals)
- The Ultimate Weapon (no vocals)
- Brutal Aftermath (no vocals)
- Antimatter Breach
- Time Is Running Short (no vocals)
- We Must Launch Now (no vocals)
- Defy Those That Left Us Here (no vocals)
- Monoliths of Another Age
- Fallen Gods
- Can’t Escape the Darkness
- My Birthright
- The Threat Is Always Out There (no vocals)
- Fight to Save This World (no vocals)
- Last Chance
- A Man Is Down (no vocals)
- A Heavy Heart (no vocals)
- Taking It to the Limit
- The Last Stand (no vocals)
- Frantic Attack Preparation (no vocals)
- Grand Odyssey (no vocals)
- Frantic Attack Preparation
- Burning Retaliation
- Toxic Battlefield (no vocals)
- Imminent Attack (no vocals)
- Our Honor Is at Stake
- Monoliths of Another Age (no vocals)
- Falling City
- Forsaken Legacy
- Fateful Decision
- Obliteration
- Boldest Plan (no vocals)
- No Turning Back Now (no vocals)
- Hostile Lunar Takeover
- Into the Tempest (no vocals)
- No Turning Back Now
- Implode
- Erased
- Crucial
- Crusher
- Doomsday
- Destructive
- Berserk