
- Dawn
- OP68 idiotic parade
- system menu
- OP40 the Destinies
- Stage Clear
- tobi D+VINE (arranged by Ayako Saso)
- OP49 Braver
- amVirus Engage
- Insane
- Dauntless
- OP55 my friends
- OP51 Darkness Cave
- op.62 Evil or Idiot (Stupid Boss)
- Despair
- Demon
- Stage 4 - Assault! -
- All Clear
- OP69 the Absolute Being
- op.61 Brightness Wind (Stage 4)
- OP36 so funny
- OP64 revive
- strained encounter (arranged by Yosuke Yasui)
- op.72 Sensitivity (Event 2)
- Boss - Enraged -
- Aviator (arranged by bermei.inazawa)
- OP60 obedient heart
- op.68 Mystic Shrine (Stage 3)
- Fly! (arranged by Norihiro Furukawa)
- Ending - Realized -
- OP62 legacy of the ruined world
- Brightness Wind (arranged by Takayuki Aihara)
- op.79 PoFoo! (Event 3)
- OP63 Final Task
- op.86 strained encounter (Event 5)
- op.52a D.O.A.2 (Serious Boss)
- Destruction (arranged by Yasuhisa Watanabe)
- op.85 Burrow.... (Event 4)
- Stage 5 - amVirus : Avatar of Nightmare -
- op.81 tobi D+VINE (Title Screen)
- Disaster
- Arvil (arranged by Yosuke Yasui)
- (Grand End)
- Crisis
- Alicia
- op.74 exploration (Map Screen)
- exploration (arranged by Masashi Yano)
- (Stage Clear)
- Defeat
- op.80 Destruction (Stage 5)
- D.O.A.2 (arranged by Masashi Yano)
- OP61 visionary
- OP53 lost property
- op.66 Wonder Forest (Stage 2)
- OP35 Peaceful Town
- OP66 misgivens
- Last Boss - Deep Green Jade -
- Dusk
- Mystic Shrine (arranged by Ayako Saso)
- OP48 Secret Place
- [data track]
- OP70 through days and nights
- op.88 Aviator (Ending)
- OP65 shock wave
- OP67 Escape!
- OP52 DOA
- Geist
- OP56 sweet memory
- Ruins (arranged by Keiichi Okabe)
- OP32 Melt Down
- Virus ~Avatar of Destruction~ (arranged by Masashi Yano)
- Eerie
- op.78 Arvil (Event 1)
- Sensitivity (arranged by Shinji Hosoe)
- op.65 Fly! (Stage 1)
- Stage 3 - MAGICAL AMBER -
- Past days
- op.83 Ruins (Stage 6)
- OP50 Beggining of the Legend
- PoFoo! (arranged by Raito)
- Gigas
- Stage 1 - Nightmare -
- OP57 Mystic Sign
- Evil or Idiot (arranged by Hiroto Saito)
- OP54 the Theme of Plot
- The Vanishing Sky
- op.87 Virus ~Avatar of Destruction~ (Stage 7)
- Wonder Forest (arranged by Shinji Hosoe)
- Stage 2 - Rampage! -
- Bullet Witch / [Hidden Track]
- Burrow.... (arranged by Masashi Yano)
- result
- exploration
- Burrow....
- D.O.A. 2
- KA-10
- Happy Happy Hoppy Happy
- OP50 Beginning of the Legend
- Labyrinth Suite Alt ver. "Labyrinth Suite" Arrange