Mari Boine Songtexte
Gula Gula
Vuoi Vuoi Me
Eadnán bákti
Geasuha / Irresistible
Ipmiliin Háleasteapmi / Conversation With God
Geboren am 08. November 1956
Idjagieđas - In the Hand of the Night
- Vuoi vuoi mu / Vuoi vuoi mu
- Idjagieđas / In the Hand of the Night
- Suoivva / The Shadow
- Gos bat munno čiŋat leat? / Where Did All Our Colours Go?
- Mu ustit, eŋgeliid sogalaš / My Friend of Angel Tribe
- Davvi bávttiin / On the Fells of the North
- Lottáš / Little Bird
- Diamántta spáillit / Reindeer of Diamond
- Geasuha / Irresistible
- Áfruvvá / The Mermaid
- Uldda nieida / Uldda Girl
- Fápmodálkkas / Fápmodálkkas