Percussion and Orchestra
- Blind Obsession
- Assault
- Hostile Take-Over
- Full Attack
- Forgotten Empire
- Euridice
- Head Hunters
- Salvation
- Maximum Justice
- The Rise of Seraphim
- It Appears That I Am
- It Appears That I Am (edit)
- Basilian Isle
- Dreams of Cambodia
- Journey to Panjshir
- Macumba
- The Missions Come to Us
- What Is the Price
- Amores Y Deseos
- Knights of Malta
- Angels
- I'm Taking You Home
- Crossing the Border
- The Shower
- Dark Dreams
- No Police
- My Name Is Carmilla
- The Duty of the Patriarch
- The Olden Days
- In Styria We Are One!
- Grave of the Suicides
- Lost for Eternity
- Lara Discovers the Letter
- Symptoms of Mass Hysteria
- Butterflies
- Blackness Follows Her
- Lida's Burial
- The Beast, the Monster
- You Can Join Me
- Styria Becomes Her
Mehr Songtexte

- In Nomenis
- The Knights Templar
- Hope of a Nation
- Grail Seeker
- Liberation
- The Rosary Vendetta
- Expendable Agent
- Interpol Sonata
- Rex Eternum
- Liberation! (no choir)
- The Rosary Vendetta (no choir)
- Rex Eternum (no choir)
- Liberation!
- The Rosary Vendetta (orchestra)
- The Rosary Vendetta (choir)
- Hope of a Nation NC (:30)
- Hope of a Nation (:30)
- Grail Seeker (:30)
- Grail Seeker NC (:30)
- Hope of a Nation NC
- Grail Seeker NC
- Safe Haven
- Safe House
- Merciless Saviour
- Titans of Fury
- Dreamer Awakens, Pt. 2
- Dreamer Awakens, Pt. 1
- Sacrimony
- Fall of the Northern Throne
- This Is Not Your World
- The Knights Templar (no choir)
- Quantum Collision
- Race Against the Machines
- The God Particle
- Poetic Justice
- War and Salvation
- Dreams of Hope
- Illuminati
- The Winds of Castile
- The Will to Rise
- Dominion
- What Dreams Are Made Of
- Emissary of Truth