Marcel Khalifé Songtexte
Sleep Little One (Nami, Nami Ya Seghirreh)
I Pass by your Name
Taa Taa
Dreamy Sunrise
Promises of the Storm
Geboren am 10. Juni 1950
Promises of the Storm
Mehr Songtexte
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- Invade
- The Kafiyyas
- Requiem for Beirut
- Tango For My Lover's Eyes
- Magic
- Dream
- Mare
- Coronation in a Phoenician Shrine
- Seream (Sar Khan)
- Your Hands
- Dance Of The Harem "II"
- Mount Barouk
- Happiness
- Intro
- Beirut, Our Star
- Jawaz al Safar (Passport)
- Reconquista
- Capricio Orientale
- Ya Hadiya Al Eiss (Cameleer)
- Diwan of Andalusia (Muwashahaat)
- Kohl
- Twilight
- Salutation
- King Of Times Past
- The Violins
- Tribute to Baalbak (Haneen Overture)
- Yo Police al IShara (Traffic Police)
- The Vendors
- Oummi (Mother)
- Where The Sun Rises
- Newspaper
- Madness
- Departure of the Venders
- Beautiful Girl
- Alisar's Escape, Tyre to Carthage
- Diwan of Decadence (Al Bahrah)
- The Qanoun Player
- Dance In The City Square
- Departure From Granada
- The Queen's Processions
- Memories
- The Bridge
- Diwan of the Harem (dance of the Scarves)
- Speak Up
- Spirit of Dance - Finale
- The City's Sadness
- Horsemen (Dabke dance)
- The Returnee
- You and the Song
- Bridal Procession "I"
- Dance Of The Harem "I"
- Bridal Procession "II"
- My Land
- Love Duet (Inspired by Delibes' Lakme)
- Madonna
- Overture
- Mirror Moon
- Akhir el Lail (End of night)