Malvina Reynolds Songtexte
Rosie Jane
I Don't Mind Failing
Intro Little Boxes
Little Boxes
Geboren am 23. August 1900, Gestorben am 17. März 1978
Ear to the Ground (Compilation)
- It Isn't Nice
- On the Rim of the World
- What Have They Done to the Rain?
- Look at the Sunny Side
- The World's Gone Beautiful
- Intro Little Boxes
Little Boxes
- Little Red Hen
- Dialectic
- Bury Me in My Overalls
- There's a Bottom Below
- The Little Mouse
- Rosie Jane
- The Money Crop
Magic Penny
- The Albatross
- Skagit Valley Forever
- Intro the Judge Said
- The Judge Said
- Mario's Duck
- Carolina Cotton Mill Song
- Boraxo
- This World
Little Boxes and Magic Pennies: A Children’s Song Anthology (Compilation)
Little Boxes
The Magic Penny
- Morningtown Ride
- Let It Be
- Artichokes
- The Pets
- Johnny Built a House
- Wheels
- One Shoe
- I Live in a City
- You Can’t Make a Turtle Come Out
- I Went A‐Gathering
- Don’t Bother Me
- Magical Food
- Funny Bug Basin
- Rabbits Dance
- Place to Be
- Hello, Ladybug
- Says the Bee
- Little Birds
- What Time Is It?
- Black Horse
- The Pied Piper
- Sweet Stuff
- The Lambeth Children
- My Street
- Never Touch a Singing Bird
- Don’t Push Me
- Let Us Come In
- It’s Up to You
- The Whale
- Magical Song
- Turn Around
- God Bless the Grass
- Quiet
- I’ve Got a Song