
- Higurashi
- David Fonseca Flexes His Voice High
- I Sneezed and... OMFG is that snot
- Breakmóveis (Or How I Decided To Shit on the Shitest Song of Festival da Canção 2019)
- Kusoi Chikabreak
- It's Crippling Breakcore Time!
- T.A.I.G.A.
- The Creature of the Woods
- A Future where Luster Dawn discovers that Rushia is a Noisecore vocalist, shits and farts herself, and then fleds to Uzbekistan
- kiyababavowowowaowuvevuburidondududeeeh said Twilight when she tried to speak the Onion language with Minato Aqua
- The Dance Of The Animals
- Photosynthesis
- Senko & Kaguya (Gabber)
- the monster inside me is growning and growning
- Porifera
- Dango Daikazoku
- U&I
- 2019
- The Problems of Our Society
- Limbo Dance Sweating
- Acidic Rain