Mehr Songtexte
- Six and 1/2
- 13 and 1/4
- 13
- 4
- (The Perfect) 10
- 10
- 6
- Ten and 1/2
- (Got 2) Give It Up
- 17
- 20 (A Girl and Her Puppy)
- Ethereal Segue
- Parlour Games
- Asswoop
- Sonny Segue
- 21-24 (The Dopamine Rush Suite)
- Rootie Kazootie
- Space
- 19 (Jailbait)
- Guitar Segue
- Six and a Half
- Pink Cashmere
- 20 (Jailbait)
- 19 (A Girl And Her Puppy)
- Good Man
- 17 (Penetration)
- Your Love Is So Hard
- 18 (R U Legal Yet?)
- The Voice Inside
- Michael Segue
- Got 2 (Give It Up)
- Sonny & Miles Segue
- Six and ½
- Thirteen and 1/4