Lullatone Melody Design Library
- Dancing Little Drum Machine
- Ballet Bop
- Light Reflections on the Ceiling
- Apples Falling Out of a Basket
- A Guitar on the Road
- Bubbles in the Forest
- When Late at Night Becomes Early in the Morning
- Dance Dance
- The Color of Sunrise
- Afternoon Stroll
- Tiny Orchestra in the Sky
- Brass Practice
- A Slow Conversation
- Sizzling Grill
- A Windy Wednesday
- Wake Up Orchestra
- Riding a Bicycle Over a Big Hill at Night
- So Sleepy
- Tippy Toe
My Petit Melodies
- The Smallest Thing in the World
- Second Day of School
- Xylophone
- Whistling by Your Ear
- Beepop
- If I Had a Harp I Would Play It Everyday
- Magical... I Don't Know
- Twitter of a Bird
- More Bunnies
- Twelve
- Fourteen
- Orange Juice
- Icicles Melting
- I Love You More Than Rice
- January
- Snow Country
- Crayons
- Swinging in the Park at Night
- Humming in the Bathtub
- Good Night, Good Night