Luc Ferrari Songtexte
Essayage, Saint Jean d'Angélys, France, juillet 2001 (Pendant une répétition, les comédiens essaient leur costume)
Geboren am 05. Februar 1929, Gestorben am 22. August 2005
Far West News: Episode 1
Far-West News: Episodes 2 and 3
- Episode 2: From Page to the Grand Canyon: I.
- Episode 2: From Page to the Grand Canyon: II.
- Episode 2: From Page to the Grand Canyon: III.
- Episode 2: From Page to the Grand Canyon: IV.
- Episode 2: From Page to the Grand Canyon: V.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: I.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: II.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: III.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: IV.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: V.
- Episode 3: From Prescott to Los Angeles: VI.