Terror Rape Machine
- Terror Rape Machine
- Terror Rape Machine (Fucking Asshole remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (HateWire Was the Murderer in the Family remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (Rottencore remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (Imil remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (Raped by The Reaper remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (Noizefucker remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (TommY RuleZ remix)
- Terror Rape Machine (massive injury's Kaos remix)
Ultimate Session (Live)
When Breakcore Meets Speedcore
- I'm Always Ready to Kick Some Ass
- Letz Fkng Fuk Cuntz
- Underground Warrior
- Negative Sound (Distortion)
- Bullet for My Harshead
- Game Over Haters
- I Am Sinistar
- Chiptune Speedbass
- King of the Dead
- Killing Time
- Zero Gravity
- Lie & Wait
- F E E L I n G S
- Tears Make Me Horny
- Terror Rape Machine
- Screw You and Your Real Speedcore
- I'm Your Devil
- Eat Me! Harder!!!
- Up to No Good
- Bad Touch at the Love Parade
- Vegetarian Progressive Grindcore
- Children of the Night
- I Will Fuck You Up Loli
- Komercha Pierdolona
- Distorted Cult of Hate
- Miota Nim Jak Szatan
- Something About You
- Mindbreaker!
- I'll Show You Crazy
- Macie Tu Extratone Gnoje
- Human Beast (Loffciamcore remix) (von Rohstein)
- The Boss (Loffciamcore remix) (von Noizefucker)