Celebrating 50 Years: 1950 - 2000 (Compilation)
- Utopia: Eagle High
- The Gondoliers: We’re Called Gonolieri
- The Gondoliers: Regular Royal Queen
- The Gondoliers: Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes (von Brian Bradbury)
- Princess Ida: Now Wouldn’t You Like to Rule the Roast
- Pirates of Penzance: When a Felon’s Not Engaged (von Derek Norton)
- The Mikado: Three Little Maids
- The Mikado: A More Humane Mikado (von Ron Smith)
- The Mikado: The Sun Whose Rays (von Lynda Smart)
- Ruddigore: Welcome Gentry
- Yeomen of the Guard: When Maiden Loves (von Carolyn Carvell)
- The Sorcerer: My Name Is John Wellington Wells (von Byron Miller)
- The Sorcerer: Ring Forth Ye Bells
- Yeomen of the Guard: A Man Who Would Woo
- Patience: I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be (von Nicola Harris)
- Iolanthe: The Nightmare Song (von Derek Norton)
- Iolanthe: Oh Foolish Fay (von Diane Norton)
- Iolanthe: Peers Chorus
- HMS Pinafore: Never Mind the Why & Wherefore
- HMS Pinafore: Let’s Give Three Cheers
- Pirates of Penzance: Climbing Over Rocky Mountains
- Pirates of Penzance: Oh Is There Not One Maiden Breast
- Pirates of Penzance: Poor Wand’Ring One (von Elaine Baker)
- Pirates of Penzance: When the Foeman Bears His Steel
- The Gondoliers: Cachucha