10.5 (Soundtrack)
- 10.5 Main Title / Goodbye, Space Needle
- Train Wreck Sequence
- Heading to Los Angeles
- Hill’s Theory
- Aftermath
- Fault Search / Sinkhole
- Father and Daughter On the Road
- Goodbye Golden Gate Bridge
- Let’s Use Nukes!!!
- Presidential Order to Evacuate
- Presidential Speech
- Governor and Rachel Under Wreckage
- Doc Calls Home / Rachel Dies
- The First Nuke
- L.A. Evacuation / Rachel Didn’t Make It
- Truck Run
- I Never Got Over Your Mom / The Camp
- Rachel’s Message / Owen Finds His Family
- Quake at Warhead Site #6 / Losing the Nuke
- Going Down the Drill Hole / Trapped by the Bomb
- A Father’s Farewell
- Detonating the Nukes / Wrong Way River
- The Big One!!!
- The Big Finish
- It’s Over / 10.5 End Credits
31 Classic Hymns
- Immortal, Invisible
- Come Thou Almighty King
- This Is My Father's World
- The God of Abraham Praise
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save
- O Sacred Head
- Were You There
- When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
- Amazing Grace
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- Just As I Am
- Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross
- The Old Rugged Cross
- At The Cross
- How Great Thou Art
- Blessed Be The Tie That Binds
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- Rock Of Ages
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- Abide With Me
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past
- Christ The Lord Is Risin Today
- Jesus Christ Is Risin Today
- All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
- Crown Him With Many Crowns
- Fairest Lord Jesus
- Onward Christian Soliers
- The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Sevenfold Amen
Atomic Train (Soundtrack)
- Railroad Crossing
- Ultrasound
- Chemical Crate / The Leak 1 / Not Caviar
- The Leak 2 / Check Your Gauges / Wally Fights The Fire / Brakes Fail / Out of Control
- The Feds Scramble / John’s Idea
- Boxcars Again / No Derailment
- Joining the Trains (aka Attempting to Join the Trains)
- The Crowbar
- Mayor’s Speech / Chase Train
- Courthouse
- Explosions / John Contacting Megan
- Attacking the Car / Rescuing Danny / Freight Car
- President’s Speech / Reuben Volunteers / Reuben Approaches The Bomb
- Megan Crosses The Park / Reuben At The Bomb / Gas Station
- Bomb Explodes
- After The Explosion / Danny Unconscious
- Megan and Danny / Mineshaft
- Recapitulation
- End Credits