
Gründung 1991

The Golden Age of the European Polyphony

Guillaume de Machaut: (ca 1300 - 1374) / John Dunstable (ca 1390 - 1420) / Guillaume Dufay (ca 1400 - 1470)

  1. Messe Nostre-Dame a 4: Kyrie
  2. Messe Nostre-Dame a 4: Gloria
  3. Messe Nostre-Dame a 4: Credo
  4. Messe Nostre-Dame a 4: Sanctus
  5. Messe Nostre-Dame a 4: Agnus Dei
  6. Magnificat a 4: Magnificat
  7. Missa Se la face ay pale a 5: Kyrie
  8. Missa Se la face ay pale a 5: Gloria
  9. Missa Se la face ay pale a 5: Credo
  10. Missa Se la face ay pale a 5: Sanctus
  11. Missa Se la face ay pale a 5: Agnus Dei

Jean Ockeghem: 1410 - 1497

  1. Motets: Salve regina
  2. Motets: Intermerata dei mater
  3. Motets: Alma redemptoris mater
  4. Missa "Caput": Kyrie
  5. Missa "Caput": Gloria
  6. Missa "Caput": Credo
  7. Missa "Caput": Sanctus
  8. Missa "Caput": Agnus Dei
  9. Requiem (excerpt): Introitus

Josquin Desprez: 1440 - 1521

  1. Motets: Tu solus qui facis mirabilia
  2. Motets: O Virgo prudentissima
  3. Motets: De profundis clamavi
  4. Motets: Ave Maria ... Virgo serena
  5. Motets: Salve regina
  6. Motets: Deploration de la mort de Jehan Ockeghem
  7. Missa "L'homme armé" sexti toni: Kyrie
  8. Missa "L'homme armé" sexti toni: Gloria
  9. Missa "L'homme armé" sexti toni: Credo
  10. Missa "L'homme armé" sexti toni: Sanctus
  11. Missa "L'homme armé" sexti toni: Agnus Dei

Nicolas Gombert: 1495 - 1556

  1. Motets: Lugebat David Absalon
  2. Motets: Sancte Johannes Apostole
  3. Motets: Ad te levavi oculos meos
  4. Motets: Musea lovis
  5. Missa "Beati Omnes": Kyrie
  6. Missa "Beati Omnes": Gloria
  7. Missa "Beati Omnes": Credo
  8. Missa "Beati Omnes": Sanctus
  9. Missa "Beati Omnes": Agnus Dei

Cristobal de Morales: 1500 - 1553

  1. Missa pro Defunctis: Introitus
  2. Missa pro Defunctis: Kyrie
  3. Missa pro Defunctis: Graduale
  4. Missa pro Defunctis: Sequentia
  5. Missa pro Defunctis: Offertorium
  6. Missa pro Defunctis: Sanctus
  7. Missa pro Defunctis: Benedictus
  8. Missa pro Defunctis: Agnus Dei
  9. Missa pro Defunctis: Communio
  10. Motets: O Sacrum Convivium
  11. Motets: Emendemus in melius
  12. Motets: Circumdederunt me gemitus mortis

Thomas Tallis: 1505 - 1585

  1. Latin motets: O nata lux
  2. Latin motets: Audivi vocem
  3. Latin motets: Sancte Deus
  4. Latin motets: O sacrum convivium
  5. Latin motets: In jejunio et fletu
  6. Latin motets: Salvator mundi
  7. English motets: If ye love me O Lord, give thy holy spirit
  8. English motets: O lord, give thy holy spirit
  9. English motets: Verily, verily
  10. English motets: Hear the voice and prayer
  11. English motets: Remember not
  12. Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes: Lamentatio Prima
  13. Hieremiae prophetae lamentationes: Lamentatio Secunda

Roland de Lassus: 1532 - 1594

  1. Prophetiae Sibyllarum (excerpts): Carmina chromatico
  2. Prophetiae Sibyllarum (excerpts): Sibylla Persica
  3. Prophetiae Sibyllarum (excerpts): Sibylla Libyca
  4. Secular songs: Bonjour, et puis quelles nouvelles?
  5. Secular songs: Paisible Domaine
  6. Secular songs: Im Mayen
  7. Secular songs: Chi Chilichi?
  8. Secular songs: Matona, mia cara
  9. Secular songs: La nuit froide et sombre
  10. Secular songs: Mon coeur se recommande à vous
  11. Psalmi Davidis Poenitentialis (excerpt): De profundis clamavi
  12. Missa super "Bell' Amfitrit'altera" (excerpt): Agnus Dei
  13. Lamentationes Hieremiae (excerpts): Lamentatio prima, secundi dei
  14. Lamentationes Hieremiae (excerpts): Musica, Dei donum optimi (motet)
  15. Lagrime di San Pietro (excerpt): Com falda di neve
  16. Requiem (excerpts): Introitus

Thomas Luis de Victoria: 1548 - 1611

  1. Marian Motets: Ave Maria
  2. Marian Motets: Oh Magnum Mysterium
  3. Marian Motets: Sancta Maria, succurre miseris
  4. Salve Regina
  5. Missa "O quam gloriosum", 1583: Kyrie
  6. Missa "O quam gloriosum", 1583: Gloria
  7. Missa "O quam gloriosum", 1583: Credo
  8. Missa "O quam gloriosum", 1583: Sanctus
  9. Missa "O quam gloriosum", 1583: Agnus Dei
  10. Tenebrae Responsories, 1585 (excerpts): Tenebrae factae sunt
  11. Tenebrae Responsories, 1585 (excerpts): O vos omnes
  12. Tenebrae Responsories, 1585 (excerpts): Astiterunt reges
  13. Tenebrae Responsories, 1585 (excerpts): Aestimatus sum
  14. Gaudent in coelis, 1588 (motet)
  15. Requiem (excerpt): Introitus

William Byrd: 1543 - 1623

  1. O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth (hymn)
  2. The Great Service: Nunc dimitis
  3. The Great Service: Lamentationes Hieremiae
  4. The Great Service: Sing Joyfully
  5. Cantiones sacrae 1591 (excerpts): Miserere mei, Deus
  6. Cantiones sacrae 1591 (excerpts): Circumdederunt me
  7. The 3 Catholic Masses 1592-1595 (excerpts): Kyrie (a 5)
  8. The 3 Catholic Masses 1592-1595 (excerpts): Gloria (a 3)
  9. The 3 Catholic Masses 1592-1595 (excerpts): Credo (a 4)
  10. The 3 Catholic Masses 1592-1595 (excerpts): Sanctus (a 3)
  11. The 3 Catholic Masses 1592-1595 (excerpts): Agnus Dei (a 5)
  12. Gradualia 1605/1607 (excerpts): Ave verum corpus
  13. Gradualia 1605/1607 (excerpts): Ave Maria
  14. Gradualia 1605/1607 (excerpts): Beata Viscera
  15. Gradualia 1605/1607 (excerpts): Beata es, Virgo Maria
  16. Gradualia 1605/1607 (excerpts): Justorum animae

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: ca 1525 - 1594

  1. Missa "Ecce ego Joannes": Kyrie
  2. Missa "Ecce ego Joannes": Gloria
  3. Missa "Ecce ego Joannes": Credo
  4. Missa "Ecce ego Joannes": Sanctus
  5. Missa "Ecce ego Joannes": Agnus Dei
  6. Canticum canticorum: Osculetur me (motet)
  7. Canticum canticorum: Nigra sum (motet)
  8. Lamentationes Hiermiae (Liber tertius) Seria VI Parasceve: Lectio I
  9. Lamentationes Hiermiae (Liber tertius) Seria VI Parasceve: Lectio II
  10. Lamentationes Hiermiae (Liber tertius) Seria VI Parasceve: Lectio III
  11. Hodie Christus natus est (motet)

Songs and Madrigals: XVIth & XVIIth Cies

  1. Il est bel et bon
  2. Rest Sweet Nymphs
  3. Au joli jeu, chanson for 4 voices, M. 1/12
  4. Ach elslein, liebes elselein (von Laudantes Consort, Guy Janssens)
  5. Mille regrets, song for 4 parts
  6. La, la, la, je ne l'ose dire
  7. Come Again, Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) (von Laudantes Consort, Guy Janssens)
  8. Valle, che de' lamenti, W ix, 9
  9. Bonjour mon coeur (Christ est mon Dieu), chanson for 4 voices, B. xi/68 (S. xii/100)
  10. Or si rallegri il cielo
  11. Innsbruck ich muß dich lassen (ii), song for 4 voices
  12. Of All the Birds That I Do Know
  13. Zefiro torna e'l bel tempo rimena, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 108
  14. The Silver Swan, madrigal for 5 voices
  15. Margot les vignes, chanson for 4 voices, S. 8/42
  16. Mijn hert altijt heeft verlanghen
  17. Il bianco e dolce cigno
  18. Fair, Phyllis (von Laudantes Consort, Guy Janssens)
  19. Ach, weh des leiden (von Laudantes Consort, Guy Janssens)
  20. Fine Knacks for Ladies, for 4 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs) (von Laudantes Consort, Guy Janssens)
  21. Too Much I Once Lamented for 5 voices
  22. Un gentil amoureux
  23. La nuit froide et sombre (Du Bellay), chanson for 4 voices, B. xii/119 (S. xii/34)
  24. Tanzen und springen
  25. Paisible Domaine
  26. Now Is the Month of Maying
  27. Mon coeur se recommande à vous (Marot) (Mon Coeur se rend a toi; Qui laboure champ ou vigne), chanson for 5 voices, B. xiii/15 (S. xiv/15)


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