Kevin Kiner Songtexte
Victory on Ryloth
End Credits (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Geboren am 03. September 1958
The Other Side of Heaven (Soundtrack)
- Other Side of Heaven Suite
- Rip It Up (von Prima Swing)
- No Matter Where They Send Me
- Don't Come Home Son
- The Trip Down
- Welcome to Tonga Part I
- Feki's Story
- The Gift
- Welcome to Tonga Part II
- Healing Nuku
- Welcome to Tonga Part III
- Kolipoki Walks
- More Than This
- A Place of Darkness
- Amazing Grace
- Finau's Passing
- The Hurricane
- Mamani
- There Is a Connection
- The Lord's Prayer
- Hurrah for Israel!
- The Lord's Wind
- Storm at Sea
- Sands of the Sea
Mehr Songtexte

- Jabba's Palace
- B'omarr Monastery
- Jedi Don't Run
- Obi-Wan's Negotiation
- General Loathsom / Ashoka
- Jabba's Chamber Dance
- Ziro's Nightclub Band
- Infiltrating Ziro's Lair
- Doku Speaks With Jabba
- Jedi Don't Run!
- Anakin Sees His Future
- Clover's End
- O'Grady
- Ketsu and Sabine's History
- It's Over Now
- Kanan's Mask
- Can't Protect Ezra Forever
- Chopper's Inside Info
- You're the Bait!
- Suite From "Emancipation"
- Suite From "Torment of Tantalus"
- Enter the Bad Batch (From "Star Wars: The Bad Batch"/Score)
- Ahsoka's Ingenuity
- Plokoon Fights Back
- Plokoon Rescued
- Ahsoka's in Danger
- The First Battle
- Tracking the Padawan
- Luminara and Barriss
- New Weapons
- Entering the Weapons Factory
- Padawan Introduction
- Anakin Redeployed
- Grevious Destroys the Ship
- Plokoon Defeats the Droids
- Ion Cannon Chase
- Ion Cannon
- Losing the Battle
- Hope Prevails
- Alone in the Pod
- Elevating the Rocks
- Ahsoka’s Ingenuity
- Ahsoka’s in Danger
- Suite From “Torment of Tantalus”
- Suite From “Emancipation”
- Ahsoka - End Credits (From “Ahsoka”)
- Ahsoka - End Credits - From “Ahsoka”
- Bad Batch Theme (From "Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Final Season")
- Yoda’s Guidance
- Sabine’s Chase
- What’s the Force?
- Ezra’s Theme
- It’s a Trap!
- Commander Meiloorun
- Speeder Bike Chase
- Kallus
- Kanan Implores Bendu
- Where’s the Jedi
- Echo in Disguise
- Ezra and Thrawn
- Surrender
- Positive Test
- Klik Klak
- CX‐2 on the Hunt
- Anger Gives Me Strength
- Come with Me
- Prove Yourself Worthy
- We’re Here for Everyone
- Extraction Plan
- Welcome Sister
- Omega Has a Plan
- The Mountain Clan
- Right to Be Scared
- Kanan and Hera Flirt
- Emerie Is Lost
- Mart Sato
- Chopper Is Hacked
- Deal Rejected
- New Target
- Inside the Cave
- Hunt for Weapons
- Clones Battling CX Troopers
- The Fires Will Continue Burning
- Shootout Outside the Dome
- Plans Change
- Barriss Offee - End Credits
- Fulfill My Destiny
- Thrawn and Bendu
- First Training Session
- You’re Not Alone
- Morgan Elsbeth - End Credits
- Such Gifts Are a Curse
- Imperial Station 003
- Barriss Released
- A Test
- Mandalorian War Room
- Thrawn Interrupts Kallus
- Inquisitors vs. Jedi
- Fighting Sister Sabine
- Ezra Into the Temple
- Thrawn Sparring
- Third Training Session
- Back to Corvus
- Lockdown
- The Way Out
- Lyn Attacks
- Imperial Assault
- Help Will Come
- One Final Test
- Morgan Leaves
- Where Is Your Army Now
- The Harbinger
- New Life
- Seal the Portal
- Nadura Arrives
- Parting with the Wolves
- Live, Now Go
- Assassin Attack
- Invasion of Dathomir
- Seek the Healer
- Rip It Up