Mehr Songtexte

- Po Mahima
- 'Elepaio Slack Key
- He Aloha No 'O Honolulu
- E Ku'u Morning Dew
- Lei 'Awapuhi
- He Punahele No 'Oe
- Ku'uipo Ku'u Lei
- Medley: Ke Ali'i Hulu Mamo & Kimo Hula
- Holo Wa'apa
- 'Alekoki
- Medley: Bali Ha'i & Stranger in Paradise
- Medley: Ku'u Lei 'Awapuhi Melemele & Pua Be Still
- Papas Okolehao
- Pauahi O Kalani
- The Myna Birds Dobro
- Ka Makani Ulaula
- Liis Song
- Moanas Laundry Basket
- Minoaka
- The Myna Bird's Dobro
- Moana's Laundry Basket
- Liʻi's Song
- Ho`okupu Makou Ia Manono
- `Ele`ele Ka Wai
- He Punahele No `Oe
- Waipi`o Paka`alana/Malama
- `Elepaio Slack Key
- Ina ("Imagine")
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- The Beauty Of Maunakea
- Wi He (Celebration)
- Pupu Hinu Hinu
- The Real Old Style
- Moon and Stars
- Look Into Your Eyes
- Ku'u Home O Kahalu'u
- Pretty Girl
- Feeling Just the Way I Do (Over You)
- Home
- He'eia
- Pua 'Ahihi
- Kawika
- Pupu Hinuhinu/Kahuli Aku/Ka Huelo 'Opae
- Sunflower
- Lei Launa'oa
- Island Cruisin'
- Hilo Rain
- Mango Tree
- "Shaka" Slack Key
- Lahaina
- A Thousand Kula Stars
- Sweet Island Girls
- Sweet Maui Moon
- The Wings of a Seabird