A Week in Eek - Alaskan Fiddling Poet Music
- A Week in Eek
- Over the Waterfall - Cold Frosty Morning - Kitchen Girl
- Arkansas Traveler
- Sandy Boys
- Texas
- The Musical Priest - O'Carolan's Welcome - Banish Misfortune
- Coming Home with the Girls in the Morning
- Sadie at the Backdoor - Waiting for Nancy
- Cluck Old Hen
- Old Joe Clark
- Turkey in the Straw
- Juneau Vets - Dave's Ghost - Top of the World
- The Nomad
- Prescott Waltz
Mehr Songtexte
- Puff Adder's Stepdance/Dusty Miller/John Sharp's
- Chinese Breakdown
- McKinley March
- Texas Gals
- Big Scioty
- Tom and Sally's Waltz
- Rockingham Cindy
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
- Pig Ankle Rag
- Elzic's Farewell
- Sherman's Farewell
- Bobtail Mule
- Instrument Auction
- Black-Eyed Susie
- Safe Harbor Reel
- Under the Moon
- Greasy String
- Staten Island Hornpipe
- Forked Deer
- Ebenezer
- Fiddlesticks
- Light Tonight
- West Fork Gals
- Walking in the Parlor
- Angeline the Baker
- Mississippi Sawyer
- Year of Jubilo
- The Violinmakers
- (no music--this is 30 seconds of dead air)
- Burnt Down House
- Johnny Cope
- Ducks on the Millpond/Elzic's Farewell
- Pretty Little Dog/Greasy Coat
- Ida Red/Soldier's Joy
- Julie Anne Johnson
- Battle of Aughrim/Christmas Eve
- Cantwell
- Christmas Eve Waltz
- Lights of Nightmute/The Caller