Justin Wilson Songtexte
A Question of Perspective
Geboren am 14. April 1914, Gestorben am 05. September 2001
A Cajun Christmas With Justin Wilson
I Gawr-on-tee
- Cajuns in a Cemetery
- The Boy Who Didn’t Talk
- The “Yet” Story
- The Banker on a Duck Shoot
- The Milk Story
- What Is a Cajun?
- A Trip to Iota
- A Cajun Buys a Bird Dog
- The Two Drunks
- The Plane From Atlanta
- The Crawfish Story
- Two Cajun Oil Workers
- Little Boys in Church
- The Cajun and the Manicurist
- Group Insurance
- Cajun Crossing the Bayou
Ol' Favorites (Compilation)
- Definition of Cajun
- Little Boy Not Lost
- Bedbug's Room Number
- The Ultimate Revenge
- Too Close to Call
- Signers of the Declaration
- Non-Reckless Driver
- Great Big Truck
- A Question of Perspective
- Miracle of Flying Dead Ducks
- Saloon of Many Doors
- Misunderstood Universal Language
- An Admonition to Vote
- Cajun Runner
- Cajun Gambler
- Closing
Wilsonville U.S. and A.
- What a Cajun Is
- Duck Hunter’s Guide
- The Moonshine Story
- Mean Old Truant Officer
- Gondolas on the Bayou
- Drunk Driver and the Preacher
- Sample Carrying Preacher
- Cajun Scientist
- Judgment Day
- One More Month to Hunt Duck
- Little Boy on the Elevator
- Bear Hunter
- A Stretching Ordeal
- Apprentice Carpenter
- Volunteer Paratrooper
Mehr Songtexte
- The Obliging Snake
- Noah & The Flood
- Defination Of A Cajun
- Snake Safe Swamp
- Texas Hard Shelled Opossum
- Drunk Fishin' Instructor
- Pete's Highway
- Twins & Triples
- Johnny Guidreaux's
- The Enlightened Swimmer
- Last Rites For A Feline Companion
- Independent Fisherman
- Small Long Legged Duck
- Murphy Brown
- Sick Mule
- Fishin' Game Warden
- Marked Fishin' Hole
- A Young Fishin' Thief
- Slow Shoe Repairman
- Deer Hunter's Wife
- Definition of a Cajun
- Sheriff's Dog
- Bass Fishin'
- The "Yet" Story
- The Boy Who Didn't Talk
- Duck Hunter's Guide