
Junichi Masuda Songtexte
Metapod Theme of Nibi City

Geboren am 12. Januar 1968

Game Boy "Pokémon" no Sound ga Marugoto Haitte, Asoberu CD (Soundtrack)

  1. Opening
  2. Theme of Masara Town
  3. Professor Oak
  4. Oak’s Laboratory
  5. A Rival Appears
  6. Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town
  7. Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
  8. Shouri (VS Trainer)
  9. Pewter City Theme
  10. Pokémon Center
  11. Pokémon Healed
  12. Tokiwa Forest
  13. Come With Me
  14. A Trainer Appears
  15. Fight (VS Trainer)
  16. Victory! (Wild Pokémon)
  17. Mt. Otsukimi Cave
  18. The Road to Hanada ~ from Mt. Otsukimi
  19. Theme of Cerulean City
  20. Pokémon Gym
  21. To Bill: Leaving Cerulean City
  22. Jigglypuff’s Song
  23. Vermilion City Theme
  24. The S.S. Anne
  25. Road to Lavender Town: Leaving Vermilion City
  26. The Poké Flute
  27. A Trainer Appears
  28. Fight (VS Gym Leader)
  29. Victory (VS Gym Leader)
  30. Cycling
  31. Theme of Shion Town
  32. Pokémon Tower
  33. Tamamu City no Thema
  34. Casino
  35. Trainer Appears (Villain)
  36. Team Rocket Hideout
  37. Silph Co.
  38. The Sea
  39. Cinnabar Island Theme
  40. Pokémon Mansion
  41. Evolution
  42. The Final Road
  43. Final Battle! (Rival)
  44. Entering the Hall
  45. ~Ending~
  46. Bulbasaur
  47. Ivysaur
  48. Fushigibana
  49. Hitokage
  50. Charmeleon
  51. Charizard
  52. Squirtle
  53. Pokédex: Wartortle
  54. Pokédex: Blastoise
  55. Pokédex: Caterpie
  56. Pokédex: Metapod
  57. Pokédex: No. 012 Butterfree
  58. Pokédex: No. 013 Weedle
  59. Pokédex: No. 014 Kakuna
  60. Beedrill
  61. Pidgey
  62. Pidgeotto
  63. Pidgeot
  64. Koratta
  65. Ratta
  66. Spearow
  67. Fearow
  68. Ekans
  69. Pokédex: Arbok
  70. Pokédex: Pikachu
  71. Pokédex: Raichu
  72. Pokédex: Sandshrew
  73. Pokédex: No. 028 Sandslash
  74. Pokédex: No. 029 Nidoran♀
  75. Pokédex: No. 030 Nidorina
  76. Nidoqueen
  77. Nidoran♂
  78. Nidorino
  79. Nidoking
  80. Pippy
  81. Pixy
  82. Vulpix
  83. Ninetales
  84. Jigglypuff
  85. Pokédex: Wigglytuff
  86. Pokédex: Zubat
  87. Pokédex: Golbat
  88. Pokédex: Oddish
  89. Pokédex: No. 044 Gloom
  90. Pokédex: No. 045 Vileplume
  91. Pokédex: No. 046 Paras
  92. Parasect
  93. Venonat
  94. Venomoth
  95. Diglett
  96. Dugtrio
  97. Nyarth
  98. Persian
  1. Psyduck
  2. Golduck
  3. Mankey
  4. Pokédex: Primeape
  5. Pokédex: Growlithe
  6. Pokédex: Arcanine
  7. Pokédex: No. 060 Poliwag
  8. Pokédex: No. 061 Poliwhirl
  9. Pokédex: No. 062 Poliwrath
  10. Abra
  11. Kadabra
  12. Alakazam
  13. Machop
  14. Goriky
  15. Kairiky
  16. Madatsubomi
  17. Weepinbell
  18. Victreebell
  19. Tentacool
  20. Pokédex: Tentacruel
  21. Pokédex: Geodude
  22. Pokédex: Graveler
  23. Pokédex: No. 076 Golem
  24. Pokédex: No. 077 Ponyta
  25. Pokédex: No. 078 Rapidash
  26. Slowpoke
  27. Slowbro
  28. Magnemite
  29. Magneton
  30. Kamonegi
  31. Dodo
  32. Dodorio
  33. Seel
  34. Dewgong
  35. Grimer
  36. Pokédex: Muk
  37. Pokédex: Shellder
  38. Pokédex: Cloyster
  39. Pokédex: No. 092 Gastly
  40. Pokédex: No. 093 Haunter
  41. Pokédex: No. 094 Gengar
  42. Onix
  43. Drowzee
  44. Hypno
  45. Krabby
  46. Kingler
  47. Biriridama
  48. Marumine
  49. Exeggcute
  50. Exeggutor
  51. Cubone
  52. Pokédex: Marowak
  53. Pokédex: Hitmonlee
  54. Pokédex: Hitmonchan
  55. Pokédex: No. 108 Lickitung
  56. Pokédex: No. 109 Koffing
  57. Pokédex: No. 110 Weezing
  58. Rhyhorn
  59. Rhydon
  60. Chansey
  61. Tangela
  62. Garura
  63. Tattu
  64. Seadra
  65. Goldeen
  66. Seaking
  67. Staryu
  68. Pokédex: Starmie
  69. Pokédex: Mr. Mime
  70. Pokédex: Scyther
  71. Pokédex: No. 124 Jynx
  72. Pokédex: No. 125 Electabuzz
  73. Pokédex: No. 126 Magmar
  74. Pinsir
  75. Tauros
  76. Magikarp
  77. Gyarados
  78. Laplace
  79. Metamon
  80. Eievui
  81. Vaporeon
  82. Jolteon
  83. Flareon
  84. Pokédex: Porygon
  85. Pokédex: Omanyte
  86. Pokédex: Omastar
  87. Pokédex: No. 140 Kabuto
  88. Pokédex: No. 141 Kabutops
  89. Pokédex: No. 142 Aerodactyl
  90. Snorlax
  91. Articuno
  92. Zapdos
  93. Moltres
  94. Miniryu
  95. Hakuryu
  96. Kairyu
  97. Mewtwo
  98. Mew
  99. Junichi Masuda's Original "Pokémon Techno" / Fanfare / Sound Effects / Battle Skills S.E. / Special Abilities S.E.

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Your Rival Appears
  2. Trainer Challenge Theme 5
  3. Shouri (VS Gym Leader)
  4. Route 2
  5. Omanyte
  6. Wild Pokémon Defeated
  7. Dendou Hairi
  8. Welcome to the World of Pokémon
  9. Pukurin
  10. Route 29
  11. Pallet Town
  12. Marowak
  13. Magmar
  14. Cherrygrove City Tour
  15. Gallop
  16. Nibi City no Thema
  17. Trainer Challenge Theme 7
  18. Hitodeman
  19. Booster
  20. Horsea
  21. Arbok
  22. Mr. Mime
  23. Raichu
  24. Rattata
  25. Burned Tower
  26. Santoanna-gou
  27. Rocket Hideout
  28. Rival Battle Theme
  29. Rokon
  30. Professor Ohkido
  31. Ruins of Alph (Inside)
  32. Ebiwalar
  33. Shouri (VS Yasei Pokémon)
  34. Ruins of Alph / Union Cave / Ilex Forest / Mt. Mortar / Whirlpool Islands / Tohjo Falls
  35. Violet City / Olivine City
  36. Sylph Company
  37. Trainer Challenge Theme 9
  38. Golone
  39. Cherrygrove City / Mahogany Town
  40. Shellder
  41. Utsubot
  42. Butterfree
  43. Weedle
  44. National Park
  45. Doduo
  46. Ghost
  47. Nyorobon
  48. Yadon
  49. Gardie
  50. Dragonair
  51. Voltorb
  52. Golbat
  53. Get Park Balls
  54. Ohkido's Laboratory
  55. Surf
  56. Blastoise
  57. Caterpie
  58. Radio: Unown Tune
  59. Primeape
  60. Magnet Train
  61. Metapod
  62. Victory Road
  63. Continue
  64. Cloyster
  65. Theme of Vermillion City
  66. Pokemon Kaifuku
  67. Hitmonlee
  68. Paras
  69. New Bark Town
  70. Kentauros
  71. Yungerer
  72. Routes 27, 26
  73. Oddish
  74. Betbeton
  75. Omnite
  76. Electrode
  77. Trainer Appears (Female)
  78. Sandshrew
  79. Theme of Lavender Town
  80. Nidorina
  81. Lapras
  82. Scyther
  83. Trainer Battle Theme 2
  84. Graveler
  85. Trainer Battle Theme 1
  86. Trainer Battle Theme 4
  87. Machoke
  88. Trainer Battle Theme 3
  89. Trainer Battle Theme 5
  90. Eevee
  91. The End
  92. Indigo Plateau
  93. Clefairy
  94. Theme of Celadon City
  95. Dragonite
  96. Karakara
  97. Chat With Mom
  98. Wild Pokémon Battle Theme
  99. Fushigidane
  100. Gym Leader Defeated
  101. Farfetch'd
  102. Sawamular
  103. Sea
  104. Haunter
  105. Theme of Pallet Town
  106. "Pokémon Techno" / Game Boy ''Pokémon'' Sound Effect Collection
  107. Meowth
  108. Road to Lavender Town – From Vermillion
  109. Boober
  110. Omastar
  111. Arcanine
  112. Vermilion City
  113. Barrierd
  114. Tentacruel
  115. Onisuzume
  116. Koffing
  117. Trainer Challenge Theme 2
  118. Oak's Laboratory
  119. Bellsprout Tower
  120. Chat With Professor Oak
  121. Kyukon
  122. Intro
  123. Jigglypuff's Song
  124. Nidoran♀
  125. Radio: Oak's Pokémon Talk
  126. Dragon's Den
  127. Omstar
  128. Routes 42, 43, 44 / Gyrados Lake
  129. Rival Challenge
  130. Title Screen
  131. Nyorozo
  132. Gastly
  133. Viridian Forest
  134. Radio: Let's All Sing!
  135. Ghastly
  136. Staff Roll
  137. Pokémon no Fue
  138. Digda
  139. Poliwrath
  140. S.S. Aqua
  141. Dodrio
  142. Muk
  143. Gangar
  144. Wartortle
  145. Casey
  146. Kameil
  147. Freezer
  148. Aerodactyl
  149. Garagara
  150. Zenigame
  151. Dance Theater
  152. Trainer Challenge Theme 4
  153. Ditto
  154. Bug-Catching Contest
  155. Dratini
  156. Route 1
  157. Wild Pokémon Battle Theme (Kanto)
  158. Radio: Pokéflute
  159. Theme of Hanada City
  160. Golem
  161. To Bill's House – From Cerulean
  162. Venusaur
  163. Poliwhirl
  164. Poliwag
  165. Sidon
  166. Porygon
  167. Windie
  168. Lickitung
  169. Shinka
  170. Starmie
  171. Trainer Challenge Theme 6
  172. Lavender Town
  173. Ecruteak City / Cyanwood City
  174. Gloom
  175. Okorizaru
  176. Pokémon Evolves
  177. Kakuna
  178. Purin no Uta
  179. Olivine Lighthouse / Silver Cave
  180. Kangaskhan
  181. St. Anne
  182. Dark Cave / Slowpoke Well / Ice Path
  183. Sleepe
  184. Onidrill
  185. Trainer Challenge Theme 8
  186. Mt. Silver
  187. Gengar
  188. Strike
  189. Parshen
  190. Kabuto
  191. Koduck
  192. Jynx
  193. New Champion
  194. Celadon City / Fuchsia City
  195. Pawou
  196. Clefable
  197. Weezing
  198. Pigeot
  199. Hall of Fame
  200. Tin Tower
  201. Thunders
  202. Growlithe
  203. Pigeon
  204. Hitmonchan
  205. Tokiwa e no Michi ~ Masara yori
  206. Radio: Lucky Channel / Game Corner
  207. Kabigon
  208. Goldenrod City
  209. Fushigisou
  210. Machamp
  211. Kuchiba City no Thema
  212. Theme of Pewter City
  213. Nyoromo
  214. Cycling Road
  215. Electabuzz
  216. Rocket Tower Takeover
  217. Morphon
  218. Trainer Appears (Male)
  219. Bellsprout
  220. Charmander
  221. Raticate
  222. Ponyta
  223. Utsudon
  224. Recovery
  225. Trainer Arawaru (Otoko no Ko Hen)
  226. Sandslash
  227. Road to Cerulean – From Mt. Moon
  228. Directions
  229. Bicycle Theme
  230. Pokémon Yashiki
  231. Dokukurage
  232. Lizardon
  233. Ishitsubute
  234. Azalea Town / Blackthorn City
  235. Routes 38, 39
  236. Victory (VS Wild Pokémon)
  237. Vileplume
  238. Routes 46, 36, 32, 34, 35, 37
  239. Purin
  240. Wigglytuff
  241. Mt. Moon
  242. Kongpang
  243. Dogars
  244. Geodude
  245. Zubat
  246. Theme of Cinnabar Island
  247. Tatakai (VS Yasei Pokemon)
  248. Lizardo
  249. Victory (VS Trainer)
  250. Routes 11, 12, 13
  251. Rapidash
  252. Saffron City / Cerulean City / Pewter City / Viridian City / Cinnabar Island
  253. Trainer Challenge Theme 3
  254. Surf Theme
  255. Pikachu
  256. Jugon
  257. Theme of Guren Town
  258. Masaki no Moto e ~ Hanada yori
  259. Trainer Defeated
  260. Kabutops
  261. Pokémon Lab
  262. Underground Path / Rock Tunnel / Diglett's Cave
  263. Shion e no Michi ~ Kuchiba yori
  264. Lance & Red Battle Theme
  265. Pokémon Flute
  266. Trainer Challenge Theme 1
  267. Road to Viridian City – From Pallet
  268. Pokémon Recovery
  269. Kailios
  270. Koiking
  271. Shion Town no Thema
  272. Ohkido Kenkyuusho
  273. Monjara
  274. Menokurage
  275. Foodin
  276. Guren Town no Thema
  277. Casion
  278. Beroringa
  279. Poppo
  280. Coil
  281. Ghos
  282. Rougela
  283. Sleeper
  284. Sihorn
  285. Rarecoil
  286. Kamex
  287. Trainer Arawaru (Kuroi Yatsu Hen)
  288. Fire
  289. Thunder
  290. Iwark
  291. Yadoran
  292. Fight (VS Wild Pokémon)
  293. Theme of Nibi City
  294. Eleboo
  295. Sandpan
  296. Golonya
  297. Rival Arawaru
  298. Tosakinto
  299. Lucky
  300. GTS
  301. Tokiwa e no Michi - Masara yori
  302. Nibi City no Theme
  303. Masaki no Moto e - Hanada yori
  304. Hanada e no Michi - Otsukimi Yama yori
  305. Gym Leader no Chikara
  306. Tatakai (VS Trainer)
  307. The Road to Tokiwa ~ from Masara
  308. Battle (vs. Wild Pokémon)
  309. Nidoran ♂
  310. Battle (vs. Trainer)
  311. To Bill’s House – From Cerulean
  312. Otsukimi-yama no Doukutsu
  313. Victory (vs. Wild Pokémon)
  314. Pokémon
  315. Rocket Game Corner
  316. Guide
  317. Road to Cerulean City: Leaving Mt. Moon
  318. Unown Tune
  319. Victory! (Trainer Battle)
  320. Underground Path / Rock Tunnel / Digglet’s Cave
  321. Caves of Mt. Moon
  322. Celadon City Theme
  323. Professor Oak's Laboratory
  324. Pallet Town Theme
  325. Cerulean City Theme
  326. Routes 42, 43, 44 / Lake Of Rage
  327. Road to Sea Cottage: Leaving Cerulean City
  328. Battle! (Gym Leader Battle)
  329. Poké Flute
  330. Oak’s Pokémon Talk
  331. Pokémon Mansion Theme
  332. Lavender Town Theme
  333. Pokémon Music
  334. Battle! (Trainer Battle)
  335. Routes 30, 33
  336. Ending Theme
  337. Dragon’s Den
  338. Viridian City Theme
  339. Pokémon Theme
  340. Places & People
  341. Victory! (Gym Leader Battle)
  342. Pokémon League Kounin Cap (Pokémon League Official Cap)
  343. Souryokusen (All-Out War)
  344. Yatta ze! (I Did It!)
  345. Fukutsu no Pokémon (Persistent Pokémon)
  346. Tabidachi (The Adventure Begins)
  347. Pokémon Holiday
  348. Pokémon Battle!
  349. The Matter is Settled
  350. Osorubeshi Koduck (Frightened Koduck(Psyduck))
  351. Pokémon, I Choose You!
  352. Shakunetsu no Battlefield (Scorching Battlefield)
  353. A Dazzlingly Beautiful Girl
  354. Jitensha de Go! (Go by Bicycle!)
  355. Fanfare: Level Up
  356. Unused Track
  357. Oak Pokémon Research Lab
  358. Fanfare: Professor Oak's Evaluation
  359. Fanfare: Pokémon Caught
  360. Opening Movie - Stereo
  361. Sylph Co.
  362. Cinnabar Island
  363. Route 24 - Welcome to the World of Pokémon!
  364. Fanfare: Pokémon Obtained
  365. Celadon City
  366. Pikachu's Beach
  367. Fanfare: Trade Pokémon Received
  368. Opening Movie
  369. Cerulean City
  370. Fanfare: Item Obtained
  371. Route 3
  372. Route 11
  373. Hurry Along
  374. Viridian City
  375. Printer Menu
  376. Yamabuki City Stage
  377. Pokédex: No. 136 Flareon
  378. Pokédex: No. 038 Ninetales
  379. Pokédex: No. 127 Pinsir
  380. Pokédex: No. 003 Venusaur
  381. Pokédex: No. 057 Primeape
  382. Pokédex: No. 009 Blastoise
  383. Pokédex: No. 023 Ekans
  384. Pokédex: No. 032 Nidoran♂
  385. Pokédex: No. 004 Charmander
  386. Pokédex: No. 068 Machamp
  387. Pokédex: No. 034 Nidoking
  388. Pokédex: No. 059 Arcanine
  389. Pokédex: No. 133 Eevee
  390. Pokédex: No. 033 Nidorino
  391. Pokédex: No. 040 Wigglytuff
  392. Pokédex: No. 039 Jigglypuff
  393. Pokédex: No. 074 Geodude
  394. Pokédex: No. 150 Mewtwo
  395. Pokédex: No. 144 Articuno
  396. Pokédex: No. 026 Raichu
  397. Pokédex: No. 103 Exeggutor
  398. Pokédex: No. 067 Machoke
  399. Pokédex: No. 043 Oddish
  400. Pokédex: No. 007 Squirtle
  401. Pokédex: No. 037 Vulpix
  402. Pokédex: No. 063 Abra
  403. Pokédex: No. 064 Kadabra
  404. Pokédex: No. 146 Moltres
  405. Pokédex: No. 002 Ivysaur
  406. Pokédex: No. 052 Meowth
  407. Pokédex: No. 139 Omastar
  408. Pokédex: No. 071 Victreebel
  409. Pokédex: No. 056 Mankey
  410. Pokédex: No. 065 Alakazam
  411. Pokédex: No. 058 Growlithe
  412. Pokédex: No. 070 Weepinbell
  413. Pokédex: No. 075 Graveler
  414. Pokédex: No. 135 Jolteon
  415. Pokédex: No. 031 Nidoqueen
  416. Pokédex: No. 053 Persian
  417. Pokédex: No. 001 Bulbasaur
  418. Pokédex: No. 069 Bellsprout
  419. Pokédex: No. 025 Pikachu
  420. Pokédex: No. 006 Charizard
  421. Pokédex: No. 123 Scyther
  422. Pokédex: No. 005 Charmeleon
  423. Pokédex: No. 102 Exeggcute
  424. Pokédex: No. 134 Vaporeon
  425. Pokédex: No. 145 Zapdos
  426. Pokédex: No. 138 Omanyte
  427. Pokédex: No. 024 Arbok
  428. Pokédex: No. 027 Sandshrew
  429. Pokédex: No. 008 Wartortle
  430. Pokédex: No. 066 Machop
  431. Into the Hall
  432. Ocean
  433. Lavender Town’s Theme
  434. Opening (Part 1)
  435. Oak Research Lab
  436. Item Fanfare
  437. To Bill’s Origin ~ From Cerulean
  438. The Road to Viridian City ~ From Pallet
  439. Celadon City’s Theme
  440. Pokémon Received Fanfare
  441. Pallet Town’s Theme
  442. Vermilion City’s Theme
  443. Pokédex Fanfare 1
  444. Pokédex Fanfare 2
  445. Cerulean City’s Theme
  446. Level Up Fanfare
  447. The Road to Cerulean ~ From Mt. Moon
  448. Trainer Appears
  449. Cinnabar Island’s Theme
  450. The Last Road
  451. The Road to Lavender Town ~ From Vermilion
  452. Opening (Part 2)
  453. Pewter City’s Theme
  454. Mt. Moon Cave
  455. Pokémon Capture Fanfare
  456. Saffron City Stage


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