10th Anniversary Pokémon Happy Birthday Concert - Junichi Masuda Selection CD (Compilation)
- ~Opening~
- The Road to Viridian City - From Pallet Town
- Mt. Otsukimi Cave
- The Road to Cerulean City - From Mt. Moon
- To Bill's House - From Cerulean City
- Shion e no Michi - Kuchiba yori
- Cycling
- Umi
- Masara Town no Theme
- Pewter City Theme
- Pokémon Center
- Pokémon Healing
- Hanada City no Theme
- Kuchiba City no Theme
- Shion Town no Theme
- Tamamushi City no Theme
- Guren Town no Theme
- Rocket Gang Hideout
- Pokémon Gym
- Battle (VS Wild Pokémon)
- Battle (VS Trainer)
- Tatakai (VS Gym Leader)
- Saigo no Michi
- Last Battle (VS Rival)
- Pokemon Techno
- Pokémon Tower 1997
- Gym Leader's Strength
- Rocket-dan Ajito
Can You Play Pokémon?
Game Boy "Pokémon" no Sound ga Marugoto Haitte, Asoberu CD (Soundtrack)
- Opening
- Theme of Masara Town
- Professor Oak
- Oak’s Laboratory
- A Rival Appears
- Road to Viridian City: Leaving Pallet Town
- Battle! (Wild Pokémon)
- Shouri (VS Trainer)
- Pewter City Theme
- Pokémon Center
- Pokémon Healed
- Tokiwa Forest
- Come With Me
- A Trainer Appears
- Fight (VS Trainer)
- Victory! (Wild Pokémon)
- Mt. Otsukimi Cave
- The Road to Hanada ~ from Mt. Otsukimi
- Theme of Cerulean City
- Pokémon Gym
- To Bill: Leaving Cerulean City
- Jigglypuff’s Song
- Vermilion City Theme
- The S.S. Anne
- Road to Lavender Town: Leaving Vermilion City
- The Poké Flute
- A Trainer Appears
- Fight (VS Gym Leader)
- Victory (VS Gym Leader)
- Cycling
- Theme of Shion Town
- Pokémon Tower
- Tamamu City no Thema
- Casino
- Trainer Appears (Villain)
- Team Rocket Hideout
- Silph Co.
- The Sea
- Cinnabar Island Theme
- Pokémon Mansion
- Evolution
- The Final Road
- Final Battle! (Rival)
- Entering the Hall
- ~Ending~
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Fushigibana
- Hitokage
- Charmeleon
- Charizard
- Squirtle
- Pokédex: Wartortle
- Pokédex: Blastoise
- Pokédex: Caterpie
- Pokédex: Metapod
- Pokédex: No. 012 Butterfree
- Pokédex: No. 013 Weedle
- Pokédex: No. 014 Kakuna
- Beedrill
- Pidgey
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgeot
- Koratta
- Ratta
- Spearow
- Fearow
- Ekans
- Pokédex: Arbok
- Pokédex: Pikachu
- Pokédex: Raichu
- Pokédex: Sandshrew
- Pokédex: No. 028 Sandslash
- Pokédex: No. 029 Nidoran♀
- Pokédex: No. 030 Nidorina
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran♂
- Nidorino
- Nidoking
- Pippy
- Pixy
- Vulpix
- Ninetales
- Jigglypuff
- Pokédex: Wigglytuff
- Pokédex: Zubat
- Pokédex: Golbat
- Pokédex: Oddish
- Pokédex: No. 044 Gloom
- Pokédex: No. 045 Vileplume
- Pokédex: No. 046 Paras
- Parasect
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Nyarth
- Persian
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Mankey
- Pokédex: Primeape
- Pokédex: Growlithe
- Pokédex: Arcanine
- Pokédex: No. 060 Poliwag
- Pokédex: No. 061 Poliwhirl
- Pokédex: No. 062 Poliwrath
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Machop
- Goriky
- Kairiky
- Madatsubomi
- Weepinbell
- Victreebell
- Tentacool
- Pokédex: Tentacruel
- Pokédex: Geodude
- Pokédex: Graveler
- Pokédex: No. 076 Golem
- Pokédex: No. 077 Ponyta
- Pokédex: No. 078 Rapidash
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Kamonegi
- Dodo
- Dodorio
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Grimer
- Pokédex: Muk
- Pokédex: Shellder
- Pokédex: Cloyster
- Pokédex: No. 092 Gastly
- Pokédex: No. 093 Haunter
- Pokédex: No. 094 Gengar
- Onix
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Biriridama
- Marumine
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Pokédex: Marowak
- Pokédex: Hitmonlee
- Pokédex: Hitmonchan
- Pokédex: No. 108 Lickitung
- Pokédex: No. 109 Koffing
- Pokédex: No. 110 Weezing
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Chansey
- Tangela
- Garura
- Tattu
- Seadra
- Goldeen
- Seaking
- Staryu
- Pokédex: Starmie
- Pokédex: Mr. Mime
- Pokédex: Scyther
- Pokédex: No. 124 Jynx
- Pokédex: No. 125 Electabuzz
- Pokédex: No. 126 Magmar
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Magikarp
- Gyarados
- Laplace
- Metamon
- Eievui
- Vaporeon
- Jolteon
- Flareon
- Pokédex: Porygon
- Pokédex: Omanyte
- Pokédex: Omastar
- Pokédex: No. 140 Kabuto
- Pokédex: No. 141 Kabutops
- Pokédex: No. 142 Aerodactyl
- Snorlax
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Miniryu
- Hakuryu
- Kairyu
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Junichi Masuda's Original "Pokémon Techno" / Fanfare / Sound Effects / Battle Skills S.E. / Special Abilities S.E.
Mehr Songtexte

- Your Rival Appears
- Trainer Challenge Theme 5
- Shouri (VS Gym Leader)
- Route 2
- Omanyte
- Wild Pokémon Defeated
- Dendou Hairi
- Welcome to the World of Pokémon
- Pukurin
- Route 29
- Pallet Town
- Marowak
- Magmar
- Cherrygrove City Tour
- Gallop
- Nibi City no Thema
- Trainer Challenge Theme 7
- Hitodeman
- Booster
- Horsea
- Arbok
- Mr. Mime
- Raichu
- Rattata
- Burned Tower
- Santoanna-gou
- Rocket Hideout
- Rival Battle Theme
- Rokon
- Professor Ohkido
- Ruins of Alph (Inside)
- Ebiwalar
- Shouri (VS Yasei Pokémon)
- Ruins of Alph / Union Cave / Ilex Forest / Mt. Mortar / Whirlpool Islands / Tohjo Falls
- Violet City / Olivine City
- Sylph Company
- Trainer Challenge Theme 9
- Golone
- Cherrygrove City / Mahogany Town
- Shellder
- Utsubot
- Butterfree
- Weedle
- National Park
- Doduo
- Ghost
- Nyorobon
- Yadon
- Gardie
- Dragonair
- Voltorb
- Golbat
- Get Park Balls
- Ohkido's Laboratory
- Surf
- Blastoise
- Caterpie
- Radio: Unown Tune
- Primeape
- Magnet Train
- Metapod
- Victory Road
- Continue
- Cloyster
- Theme of Vermillion City
- Pokemon Kaifuku
- Hitmonlee
- Paras
- New Bark Town
- Kentauros
- Yungerer
- Routes 27, 26
- Oddish
- Betbeton
- Omnite
- Electrode
- Trainer Appears (Female)
- Sandshrew
- Theme of Lavender Town
- Nidorina
- Lapras
- Scyther
- Trainer Battle Theme 2
- Graveler
- Trainer Battle Theme 1
- Trainer Battle Theme 4
- Machoke
- Trainer Battle Theme 3
- Trainer Battle Theme 5
- Eevee
- The End
- Indigo Plateau
- Clefairy
- Theme of Celadon City
- Dragonite
- Karakara
- Chat With Mom
- Wild Pokémon Battle Theme
- Fushigidane
- Gym Leader Defeated
- Farfetch'd
- Sawamular
- Sea
- Haunter
- Theme of Pallet Town
- "Pokémon Techno" / Game Boy ''Pokémon'' Sound Effect Collection
- Meowth
- Road to Lavender Town – From Vermillion
- Boober
- Omastar
- Arcanine
- Vermilion City
- Barrierd
- Tentacruel
- Onisuzume
- Koffing
- Trainer Challenge Theme 2
- Oak's Laboratory
- Bellsprout Tower
- Chat With Professor Oak
- Kyukon
- Intro
- Jigglypuff's Song
- Nidoran♀
- Radio: Oak's Pokémon Talk
- Dragon's Den
- Omstar
- Routes 42, 43, 44 / Gyrados Lake
- Rival Challenge
- Title Screen
- Nyorozo
- Gastly
- Viridian Forest
- Radio: Let's All Sing!
- Ghastly
- Staff Roll
- Pokémon no Fue
- Digda
- Poliwrath
- S.S. Aqua
- Dodrio
- Muk
- Gangar
- Wartortle
- Casey
- Kameil
- Freezer
- Aerodactyl
- Garagara
- Zenigame
- Dance Theater
- Trainer Challenge Theme 4
- Ditto
- Bug-Catching Contest
- Dratini
- Route 1
- Wild Pokémon Battle Theme (Kanto)
- Radio: Pokéflute
- Theme of Hanada City
- Golem
- To Bill's House – From Cerulean
- Venusaur
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwag
- Sidon
- Porygon
- Windie
- Lickitung
- Shinka
- Starmie
- Trainer Challenge Theme 6
- Lavender Town
- Ecruteak City / Cyanwood City
- Gloom
- Okorizaru
- Pokémon Evolves
- Kakuna
- Purin no Uta
- Olivine Lighthouse / Silver Cave
- Kangaskhan
- St. Anne
- Dark Cave / Slowpoke Well / Ice Path
- Sleepe
- Onidrill
- Trainer Challenge Theme 8
- Mt. Silver
- Gengar
- Strike
- Parshen
- Kabuto
- Koduck
- Jynx
- New Champion
- Celadon City / Fuchsia City
- Pawou
- Clefable
- Weezing
- Pigeot
- Hall of Fame
- Tin Tower
- Thunders
- Growlithe
- Pigeon
- Hitmonchan
- Tokiwa e no Michi ~ Masara yori
- Radio: Lucky Channel / Game Corner
- Kabigon
- Goldenrod City
- Fushigisou
- Machamp
- Kuchiba City no Thema
- Theme of Pewter City
- Nyoromo
- Cycling Road
- Electabuzz
- Rocket Tower Takeover
- Morphon
- Trainer Appears (Male)
- Bellsprout
- Charmander
- Raticate
- Ponyta
- Utsudon
- Recovery
- Trainer Arawaru (Otoko no Ko Hen)
- Sandslash
- Road to Cerulean – From Mt. Moon
- Directions
- Bicycle Theme
- Pokémon Yashiki
- Dokukurage
- Lizardon
- Ishitsubute
- Azalea Town / Blackthorn City
- Routes 38, 39
- Victory (VS Wild Pokémon)
- Vileplume
- Routes 46, 36, 32, 34, 35, 37
- Purin
- Wigglytuff
- Mt. Moon
- Kongpang
- Dogars
- Geodude
- Zubat
- Theme of Cinnabar Island
- Tatakai (VS Yasei Pokemon)
- Lizardo
- Victory (VS Trainer)
- Routes 11, 12, 13
- Rapidash
- Saffron City / Cerulean City / Pewter City / Viridian City / Cinnabar Island
- Trainer Challenge Theme 3
- Surf Theme
- Pikachu
- Jugon
- Theme of Guren Town
- Masaki no Moto e ~ Hanada yori
- Trainer Defeated
- Kabutops
- Pokémon Lab
- Underground Path / Rock Tunnel / Diglett's Cave
- Shion e no Michi ~ Kuchiba yori
- Lance & Red Battle Theme
- Pokémon Flute
- Trainer Challenge Theme 1
- Road to Viridian City – From Pallet
- Pokémon Recovery
- Kailios
- Koiking
- Shion Town no Thema
- Ohkido Kenkyuusho
- Monjara
- Menokurage
- Foodin
- Guren Town no Thema
- Casion
- Beroringa
- Poppo
- Coil
- Ghos
- Rougela
- Sleeper
- Sihorn
- Rarecoil
- Kamex
- Trainer Arawaru (Kuroi Yatsu Hen)
- Fire
- Thunder
- Iwark
- Yadoran
- Fight (VS Wild Pokémon)
- Theme of Nibi City
- Eleboo
- Sandpan
- Golonya
- Rival Arawaru
- Tosakinto
- Lucky
- Tokiwa e no Michi - Masara yori
- Nibi City no Theme
- Masaki no Moto e - Hanada yori
- Hanada e no Michi - Otsukimi Yama yori
- Gym Leader no Chikara
- Tatakai (VS Trainer)
- The Road to Tokiwa ~ from Masara
- Battle (vs. Wild Pokémon)
- Nidoran ♂
- Battle (vs. Trainer)
- To Bill’s House – From Cerulean
- Otsukimi-yama no Doukutsu
- Victory (vs. Wild Pokémon)
- Pokémon
- Rocket Game Corner
- Guide
- Road to Cerulean City: Leaving Mt. Moon
- Unown Tune
- Victory! (Trainer Battle)
- Underground Path / Rock Tunnel / Digglet’s Cave
- Caves of Mt. Moon
- Celadon City Theme
- Professor Oak's Laboratory
- Pallet Town Theme
- Cerulean City Theme
- Routes 42, 43, 44 / Lake Of Rage
- Road to Sea Cottage: Leaving Cerulean City
- Battle! (Gym Leader Battle)
- Poké Flute
- Oak’s Pokémon Talk
- Pokémon Mansion Theme
- Lavender Town Theme
- Pokémon Music
- Battle! (Trainer Battle)
- Routes 30, 33
- Ending Theme
- Dragon’s Den
- Viridian City Theme
- Pokémon Theme
- Places & People
- Victory! (Gym Leader Battle)
- Pokémon League Kounin Cap (Pokémon League Official Cap)
- Souryokusen (All-Out War)
- Yatta ze! (I Did It!)
- Fukutsu no Pokémon (Persistent Pokémon)
- Tabidachi (The Adventure Begins)
- Pokémon Holiday
- Pokémon Battle!
- The Matter is Settled
- Osorubeshi Koduck (Frightened Koduck(Psyduck))
- Pokémon, I Choose You!
- Shakunetsu no Battlefield (Scorching Battlefield)
- A Dazzlingly Beautiful Girl
- Jitensha de Go! (Go by Bicycle!)
- Fanfare: Level Up
- Unused Track
- Oak Pokémon Research Lab
- Fanfare: Professor Oak's Evaluation
- Fanfare: Pokémon Caught
- Opening Movie - Stereo
- Sylph Co.
- Cinnabar Island
- Route 24 - Welcome to the World of Pokémon!
- Fanfare: Pokémon Obtained
- Celadon City
- Pikachu's Beach
- Fanfare: Trade Pokémon Received
- Opening Movie
- Cerulean City
- Fanfare: Item Obtained
- Route 3
- Route 11
- Hurry Along
- Viridian City
- Printer Menu
- Yamabuki City Stage
- Pokédex: No. 136 Flareon
- Pokédex: No. 038 Ninetales
- Pokédex: No. 127 Pinsir
- Pokédex: No. 003 Venusaur
- Pokédex: No. 057 Primeape
- Pokédex: No. 009 Blastoise
- Pokédex: No. 023 Ekans
- Pokédex: No. 032 Nidoran♂
- Pokédex: No. 004 Charmander
- Pokédex: No. 068 Machamp
- Pokédex: No. 034 Nidoking
- Pokédex: No. 059 Arcanine
- Pokédex: No. 133 Eevee
- Pokédex: No. 033 Nidorino
- Pokédex: No. 040 Wigglytuff
- Pokédex: No. 039 Jigglypuff
- Pokédex: No. 074 Geodude
- Pokédex: No. 150 Mewtwo
- Pokédex: No. 144 Articuno
- Pokédex: No. 026 Raichu
- Pokédex: No. 103 Exeggutor
- Pokédex: No. 067 Machoke
- Pokédex: No. 043 Oddish
- Pokédex: No. 007 Squirtle
- Pokédex: No. 037 Vulpix
- Pokédex: No. 063 Abra
- Pokédex: No. 064 Kadabra
- Pokédex: No. 146 Moltres
- Pokédex: No. 002 Ivysaur
- Pokédex: No. 052 Meowth
- Pokédex: No. 139 Omastar
- Pokédex: No. 071 Victreebel
- Pokédex: No. 056 Mankey
- Pokédex: No. 065 Alakazam
- Pokédex: No. 058 Growlithe
- Pokédex: No. 070 Weepinbell
- Pokédex: No. 075 Graveler
- Pokédex: No. 135 Jolteon
- Pokédex: No. 031 Nidoqueen
- Pokédex: No. 053 Persian
- Pokédex: No. 001 Bulbasaur
- Pokédex: No. 069 Bellsprout
- Pokédex: No. 025 Pikachu
- Pokédex: No. 006 Charizard
- Pokédex: No. 123 Scyther
- Pokédex: No. 005 Charmeleon
- Pokédex: No. 102 Exeggcute
- Pokédex: No. 134 Vaporeon
- Pokédex: No. 145 Zapdos
- Pokédex: No. 138 Omanyte
- Pokédex: No. 024 Arbok
- Pokédex: No. 027 Sandshrew
- Pokédex: No. 008 Wartortle
- Pokédex: No. 066 Machop
- Into the Hall
- Ocean
- Lavender Town’s Theme
- Opening (Part 1)
- Oak Research Lab
- Item Fanfare
- To Bill’s Origin ~ From Cerulean
- The Road to Viridian City ~ From Pallet
- Celadon City’s Theme
- Pokémon Received Fanfare
- Pallet Town’s Theme
- Vermilion City’s Theme
- Pokédex Fanfare 1
- Pokédex Fanfare 2
- Cerulean City’s Theme
- Level Up Fanfare
- The Road to Cerulean ~ From Mt. Moon
- Trainer Appears
- Cinnabar Island’s Theme
- The Last Road
- The Road to Lavender Town ~ From Vermilion
- Opening (Part 2)
- Pewter City’s Theme
- Mt. Moon Cave
- Pokémon Capture Fanfare
- Saffron City Stage