Jun Ishikawa Songtexte
Geboren 1964

- Kirby's Super Deluxe: The Gourmet Race / CollisionTheme / Theme of Kirby's Triumphant Return
- Float Islands (Mega Flare Edition)
- Hoshi no Kirby "Crash! Gourmet Race ~ Marx's Theme ~ Theme of Kirby's Triumphant Return"
- Ripple Field (Beach Area)
- Cloudy Park - Map
- Cloudy Park (Sky Area)
- Cast Roll
- Deep Sea/Volcano Area
- File Select
- Mountain Area
- Unused ["vs. Sub-Boss" from Kirby Super Star]
- Ripple Field - Map
- Opening
- Stage Goal
- Friends 1 ["Kine's Theme" from Kirby Dream Land 2]
- Title
- Friends 3 ~ Wrong Path
- Sound Test ["Mt. Dedede" from Kirby's Dream Land]
- Invincible
- Sub-Game
- Friends 2
- Sand Canyon (Canyon Area)
- Kirby Clear Dance
- King Dedede's Theme (vs. King Dedede) [from Kirby's Dream Land]
- Heart Star Earned
- Game Over
- Cave Area
- Staff Roll
- Grass Land (Plains Area)
- Heart Star Unearned
- Hyper Zone 2 (vs. 0)
- Lose Life - Gooey
- Forest Area
- Tower Area
- Sea/Snow Area
- Pop Star - Map
- Lose Life - Kirby
- Iceberg (Ice Area)
- vs. Boss
- Desert Area ["Clash! Gourmet Race" from Kirby Super Star]
- Grass Land - Map
- Sand Canyon - Map
- Hyper Zone 1 (vs. Dark Matter)
- vs. Sub-Boss
- Iceberg - Map
- Pop Land Stage
- Friends (Beta) (Shady Monk cover) (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Inside the Ruins (Shady Monk cover) (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
- Miss
- Green Greens
- Bubbly Clouds
- Float Islands
- Ending
- Sparkling Stars
- Boss Theme
- Power Up
- Castle Hall
- Castle Lololo
- Dance
- Mt. Dedede
- Boss Game Select
- Shooting
- Life Lost
- A New Wind for Tomorrow (Staff Credits)
- Kirby Dance
- Mt. Dedede (King Dedede's Theme)
- Welcome to Dream Land (Title Screen)