- Drum Machine Joy
- The Electric Joy Toy Company
- Candy Cane Carriage
- Analogue Grand Diary
- Every Boy and Girl Falls in Love
- The Girl From Rosewood Lane
- Sweet Sweet Charity
- The Melody Book
- Life Guardian Twenty
- In Love in Midsummer
- Never Be a Star
- Old at This Young
- Of Stories and Love
- Happiness and Life
- Lily Pad the Forest Our Home
- Bee Hoping
- The Dark Ages
- Buttercup Fairy Jamboree
My Grandfather, the Cubist
- Victorian Intuition/Father Winter Replies
- Rudimentary Animation
- Draw for Me, M.C. Escher
- Four Gone Pierre (or What Electricity Made)
- The First Time I Loved Her It Was Here
- I Recall the Telephone Booth
- On Being Principally Utopian
- Whether by Horse, or Horseless
- Only Copernicus
- Prelude to Cubism
- My Grandfather, the Cubist
- Cubism Interlude