Joseph Mullendore Songtexte
Geboren am 21. Oktober 1914, Gestorben am 19. Juni 1990

- Phaser Overload
- Star Light, Star Bright
- Riley Eavesdrops
- Lenore and Kirk
- The Bloody Deed
- The Sins of the Father
- Curtain Call
- The Show Goes On
- Anton Korridian
- Snappy Captain
- Where My Heart Is
- Caesar of the Stars
- Lounge Mix
- Medical Update
- Captain's Log
- That Bloody Thing He Did
- Kirk Departs
- Spock's Investigation
- That's Kodos
- Who Do I Have to Be
- Due for a Pickup
- Captain's Log, Supplemental
- A Grisly Discovery
- Riley Is Poisoned
- Lenore Snaps
- They May Rest Easier
- Security Alert
- That's an Answer
- Kodos Speaks