Scrap Metal (Soundtrack)
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- Frozen Shores - Enter the Wasp
- Helghan Jungle - Darkness
- Stahl Arms - Battle My Own
- Frozen Shores - Jetpack Flight
- The Scrapyard - Fight On a Crane
- 'What If I Just Killed Everyone?'
- Pyrrhus Outskirts - Hammer
- Radec's Personal Guards
- Helghan Jungle - Helghast Spotted!
- The Scrapyard - Don't Mess With the MAWLR
- Frozen Shores - Escape On the Tram
- Helghan Jungle - I Am the Hunted
- Pyrrhus Outskirts - The Boys Are Back In Action
- Frozen Shores - Flight of the Intruder
- Pyrrhus Outskirts - Sniper Crossfire
- 'I'll Get You Home'
- Main Menu - And Ever We Fight On
- Pyrrhus Outskirts - Fortification
- The Scrapyard - The Mobile Factory
- Pyrrhus Outskirts - Grab That Minigun!
- Templar's Last Stand
- The Scrapyard - The Heavy Returns
- Stahl Arms - The Icesaw Chase
- Helghan Jungle - the Horror, the Horror!
- Frozen Shores - the Bomb Is Set
- 'You've Developed Energy Shielding?'
- Visari's Lament
- Stahl Arms - Exploring Stahl Arms
- Birth of War - Dies Irae
- EF-bounce
- Within the Embrace
- Song for Aloy
- Homecoming
- This New Wilderness
- City on the Mesa
- Victory
- Seal Your Lips (Joris de Man
- On Our Mother's Shoulders
- The World and All Its Lessons
- Force Multiplication
- The Proving
- Trails in the Darkness
- The Good News
- The Blessing (The Flight
- What the Seeker Had Sought
- Delver's Hymnal
- The Cavalry Breaks Through
- Hologram Myth
- Motherless
- Meridian, Shining
- In Great Strides
- Aloy's Journey feat. Julie Elven
- Anointed (Joris de Man
- Vanished Voices
- Tell Me
- A Truth Whispered at Night
- Colossal
- The Welcome Of Stones (Joris de Man
- Prologue
- The Bad News
- Prologue (early style sketch)
- Identification (The Flight
- The Point Of The Spear (Joris de Man
- A Boon (Joris de Man
- Years Of Training (The Flight
- Beasts of Steel
- Seized From The Depths (Joris de Man
- Machine Dreams
- Aloy's Theme
- Envoys
- Her Breath, Her Land
- To Call Our Own
- Drawn to Strife
- Seal Your Lips
- The Point of the Spear
- Seized From the Depths
- Anointed
- A Boon
- The Welcome of Stones
- Aloy's Journey
- To the Hunt!
- Drums in the Sun-Ring
- Will Against Will
- Go Like Time Around an Arrow
- Where You Came From
- End Game
- Clear the Way
- Pride of the Expedition
- Adrift
- These Stones Unturned
- Reunion
- Savior of Meridian
- The Long Road Back
- Entombed
- Shelter from the Storm
- Alone Again
- Alone Before the World
- Storm on the Rise
- Blood Shed on Stone
- Forged for the Fight
- Off the Trail
- Figments of Time
- Unshackled
- Breached
- By the Cold Light of Stars
- In All Its Splendor
- Restless as the Weald
- Far From Rest
- The Way to Barren Light
- Dawn Eases Night
- The Corner of Your Eye
- Spark and Flame
- Blade on Blade
- End Game (percussion)
- End Game (bass)
- End Game (fx)
- End Game (synth)
- End Game (orchestra)
- End Game (piano)
- Not My Best Landing
- First Flight
- Beyond the Barrier
- His Final Act
- New Heights
- Her Sky, Her Sea
- Part of You
- To the Burning Shores
- For His Amusement
- The Idea of Home
- Battleground
- Megachiroptera
- Bones of the City
- Cryptozoology
- The Glory of Gotham
- Sharp Knives
- Hunted
- Fast Puzzling
- Level of Death
- Power
- Chose an Option
- The Hardest Levels
- High Scores
- Whisper Dimo
- The Happy Ending
- Key Power
- Game Over!
- That Happy Tune
- Spook Level
- Dimo's Life
- Credits
- Your Name
- Finding the Key
- Dimos Quest Theme
- Slow and Anoying
- The Unknow Level