Tango Solos for Saxophone: Play Along Tangos, Milongas and Waltzes
- Nothing to Lose
- The Hankerchief
- Don't Kill Me or I'll Die
- My Friend
- Without Realizing It
- Two Words
- Blanca
- Headache
- Queen of the Night
- Nobody Left in Town
- Tuning Note
- Nothing to Lose (accompaniment)
- The Hankerchief (accompaniment)
- Don't Kill Me or I'll Die (accompaniment)
- My Friend (accompaniment)
- Without Realizing It (accompaniment)
- Two Words (accompaniment)
- Blanca (accompaniment)
- Headache (accompaniment)
- Queen of the Night (accompaniment)
- Nobody Left in Town (accompaniment)
Mehr Songtexte
- Samba for not Sleeping - JP
- The Encounter - to tenor
- Samba for not Sleeping - bk
- My Baby Call - JP
- The Island - JP
- Martin's Candombe - bk
- Hoop Hoop - JP
- Little Corner - JP
- The Island - bk
- Martin's Candombe - JP
- Complaints of the Saxophon - JP
- Little Corner - bk
- Complaints of the Saxophon - bk
- My Kingdom for a Sax - JP
- Blues Bug - JP
- Coconut Tunes - bk
- The Encounter - to alto
- My Kingdom for a Sax - bk
- Hoop Hoop - bk
- Blues Bug - bk
- Coconut Tunes - JP
- A Neighbor - bk
- A Neighbor - JP
- My Baby Call - bk
- My Friend the Bandoneon - JP
- The Encounter - bk
- Tuning notes
- My Friend the Bandoneon - bk
- The Encounter - JP