Jordan Steven (Compilation)
The Lost Angelic Chronicles of Frane: Dragons’ Odyssey Original Soundtrack
- Serenity (Demo Movie)
- Salvation (Title Screen)
- Heaven’s View (Vanneth)
- Team Spirit! (Opening Movie)
- When the Sun Shines (Kunah & Riel’s Home)
- On the Upside! (Happy Theme)
- Snow Angels (Petas Villlage)
- Dark of Day (Clauveh Mine)
- Determination (Clauveh Mine Boss)
- Lucky Seven (Shamrock Town)
- Melancholy (Sad Theme)
- Fired Up! (Krokopp Desert)
- From the Ground Up (Krokopp Desert Boss)
- Can You Hear the Snow? (Petas Village Outskirts)
- Playing the Harlots (3 Sisters Boss)
- Incarnate (God’s Transformations – Vanneth)
- When the Birds Sing (Ranyan Village)
- Lord of This Manor (Denarius’ Manor)
- Rest in Peace (Manor Boss)
- Never Give Up (Game Over)
- Somber Souls (Lebannah Village)
- The Baron’s Estate (Cordova’s Manor – Normal)
- What’ll It Be? (Shop)
- Outlawed (Brigands’ Hideout)
- Beat the Drum, Beat the Band (Brigand Boss)
- Sight of Serenity (World Map)
- Hell’s Angel (Denarius’ Theme)
- Tension (Cordova’s Manor – Destroyed)
- Life More Abundant (Ranyan Village)
- Siphoner (Denarius’ Scheme)
- Sanctum Sanctorum (Manato Temple)
- Angelus Domini (Manato Temple Angel Boss)
- Hades Beckons (The Underground)
- Holy Priest (Grude Boss)
- Bloody Rose (Denarius Boss – Rose Garden)
- Fugare Draco (Last Boss) (von Christina Entingh)
- Death’s Grin – It’s Not Too Late! – Saved! (Ending Movie)
- A New Way (Theme Song) (von Ashleigh Coryell)
Mehr Songtexte
- Fugare Draco (Last Boss)
- Siphoner (Denarius' Scheme)
- Lord Of This Manor (Denarius' Manor)
- Hell's Angel (Denarius' Theme)
- Tension (Cordova's Manor - Destroyed)
- Outlawed (Brigands' Hideout)
- When The Sun Shines (Kunah & Riel's Home)
- Incarnate (God's Transformations - Vanneth)
- What'll It Be? (Shop)
- Heaven's View (Vanneth)
- Death's Grin - It's Not Too Late! - Saved! (Ending Movie)
- The Baron's Estate (Cordova's Manor - Normal)