John Williams Songtexte
Somewhere in My Memory
Carol of the Bells
O Holy Night
Star of Bethlehem
White Christmas
Geboren am 08. Februar 1932
La saga de las galaxias (La guerra de las galaxias, El imperio contraataca, El retorno del Jedi) (Soundtrack)
Land of the Giants (Soundtrack)
- Land of the Giants: Main Title: Season I: Suite From the Crash (John Williams)
- The Crash: Off Course / The Landing / Dense Fog
- The Crash: Giant Eyes / Hidden Gun / The Big Cat / Bug Box
- The Crash: Fitzhugh's Gun / Hiding Place
- The Crash: Giants Probing / The Rescue
- The Crash: Water Drain / More Garbage
- Land of the Giants: End Title: Season I
- Land of the Giants: Main Title: Season II
- The Crash: Space Storm / Through the Thing / Crash Landing / Giant Ford (von Alexander Courage)
- The Crash: The Sniveling Sneak (von Alexander Courage)
- Land of the Giants: End Title: Season II
Lincoln (Soundtrack)
- The People’s House (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The Purpose of the Amendment (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Getting Out the Vote (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The American Process (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The Blue and Grey (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- “With Malice Toward None” (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Call to Muster and Battle Cry of Freedom (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The Southern Delegation and the Dream (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Father and Son (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The Race to the House (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Equality Under the Law (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Freedom’s Call (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Elegy (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Remembering Willie (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- Appomattox, April 9, 1865 (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- The Peterson House and Finale (von Chicago Symphony Orchestra, John Williams)
- “With Malice Toward None” (piano solo) (von Randy Kerber)
Lost in Space, Volume One (Soundtrack)
- Lost in Space: Main Title
- Smith's Evening / Judo Chop / On the Pad / Countdown
- Escape Velocity / Robot Control / Meteor Storm / Defrosting
- The Weightless Waltz
- The Monster Rebels / A Walk in Space / Finale
- Suiting Up / Stranglehold / The Landing / Search for John
- Tractot Play-On / Electric Sagebrush / Will Is Threatened
- The Earthquake
- Chariot Titles / Farenheit a Go-Go / The Chariot Continues / Sunstorm
- Morning After / The Inland Sea / Land Ho / Strange Visitor
- Lost in Space: End Title