
- Fin The Bed Began Tae Heat
- The Merchant's Son
- I had Some Far Better Verses Than That
- The Bonny Lass of Fyvie
- The Beggar Man
- Binnorie, O Binnorie
- Johnnie O Braidslie
- Glenlogie
- Robin Hood
- The Guise O Tough
- The Laird O Drum
- Rhynie
- The Knight and The Shepherd's Daughter
- Bonny Udny
- Clyde's Water
- Harrowing Time
- When The Gadie Rins
- The Stootest Man in The Forty Twa
- The Bogheid Crew
- The Minister's Daughters They Were Three
- MacPherson's Rant
- The Miller of Straloch
- Lang Johnnie More
- The Hairst O Rettie
- Robin Hood and Little John
- Glenlogie (Jean o' Bethelnie)
- Twa 'n Twa (The Cuckoo's Nest)
- The Royal Forester (The Knight and the Shepherd's Daughter)
- Clyde's Water (The Mother's Malison)
- Johnny O Braidislea