Country Dances - John Playford's English Dancing Master, 1651
- Grimstock
- Upon a Summers Day
- The Spanish Gipsy
- Rufty Tufty
- Gray's Inn Masque or Mad Town
- Bobbing Joe
- The Friar and the Nun
- Drive the Cold Winter Away
- Half Hannikin
- Jenny Pluck Pears
- Go From My Window, The New Exchange
- Kettle Drum, Trumpet Tune, The Indian Queen
- A Health to Betty, My Mother's ay Glowring O'er Me
- The Fine Companion, The Merry Companion, The Boon Companion.
- The Healths, la Bourrée
- The Glory of the West
Oranges & Lemons: Tunes from the Collection "The Dancing Master" (The Playfords)
- Bellamira - Bobbing Joe (von The Playfords)
- Newcastle (von The Playfords)
- Heart's Ease "Sing Care Away" (von The Playfords)
- Scotch Cap (von The Playfords)
- Oranges and Lemons (von The Playfords)
- Jenny Pluck Pears (von The Playfords)
- An Italian Rant "Fuggi fuggi da' lieti amanti" (von The Playfords)
- Epping Forrest (von The Playfords)
- Lilli Burlero "Ho Brother Teague" (von The Playfords)
- The Star of the County Down "Young Men and Maids" (von The Playfords)
- Blacke Almaine (von The Playfords)
- I Care not for these Ladies (von The Playfords)
- The Indian Queen (von The Playfords)
- Upon a Summer's Day "I Smell a Rat" (von The Playfords)
- Jamaica "The Joviall Broome Man" (von The Playfords)
- An Elegy on the Death of Mr. John Playford "Gentle Shepherds" (von The Playfords)
Mehr Songtexte

- Heart's Ease "Sing Care Away"
- An Italian Rant "Fuggi fuggi da' lieti amanti"
- Epping Forrest
- Lilli Burlero "Ho Brother Teague"
- Oranges and Lemons
- Newcastle
- Bellamira - Bobbing Joe
- Jamaica "The Joviall Broome Man"
- Scotch Cap
- Upon a Summer's Day "I Smell a Rat"
- The Indian Queen
- Daphne
- A Health to Betty
- Stanes Morris
- Drive the cold winter away, The Beggar Boy
- A Mask no. 6
- Virgin Queen, Bobbing Joe
- Bravade, Argiers
- Paul's Steeple
- Hey to the camp, Schottish Tanz
- Stingo
- Prince Ruppert March, Masco
- Confess his tune
- Sheperd's Holiday
- A Division on a ground
- A piece without title
- Wallom green
- Rights of Man
- Nobody's Jig, Mr Lane's Maggot
- An Italian Rant
- Woodycock
- The Queen's Jigg
- Greene-Sleeves
- Three Airs From the Dancing Master
- Pool's Hole / [traditional] - The Temperance Reel / P. Zannelli - Uisque Beatha
- Dance Medley from The English Dancing Master
- Faronell's Division (1684)
- Blacke Almaine
- The Star of the County Down "Young Men and Maids"
- Lane's Tune
- Bobing Joe & Jenny pluck Pears
- Scotch Capp
- I Care not for these Ladies
- An Elegy on the Death of Mr. John Playford "Gentle Shepherds"
- Faronell’s Division (1684)
- Upon a Quiet Conscience
- Argeers
- Bille’s Medley: Grimstock, Cuckolds All in a Row, Watkin’s Ale
- Jenny, Pluck Pears
- The Chirping of the Nightingale
- Nonesuch
- All In A Garden Green
- An Old Man is a Bedful of Bones
- Goddesses
- Chelsea Reel
- Old English Country Daunces
- Old English Country Dances
- The English Dancing Master (The Harp-way sharp tuning): II. Saraband
- The English Dancing Master (The Harp-way sharp tuning) : I. La Cloche