Childhood Memory
- Be Thoou My Vision
- Simple Gifts
- The Gift of Love
- Praise to the Lord the Almighty
- For the Beauty of the Earth
- Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
- Morning Has Broken
- Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
- Holding Her High (Song for Jenna)
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- We Gather Together
- O Sons and Daughters Let Us Sing
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
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- Tributary
- Where Rivers Run
- The Narrows
- Headwaters
- The Quiet of Confluence
- Thirty Four Birds
- Cascade
- Behind Green
- Currents
- Inevitable White
- Unbroken Forest
- Before The Gorge
- Sign of Spring
- Rain Pool
- Emerald Valley
- Across Oregon
- Carry the Desert
- In Silent Rain
- Secret Land
- Looking West
- Ghost of Kalmiopsis
- Coming Home
- Moon Half Moon
- The Wild Blue
- In Through Cedar
- Swim
- Perfect Disguise
- Morning Night
- Magic Wing
- China Parade
- Dakota Rose
- Mexico Azul
- I Wonder as I Wander
- Roads to Wales
- Lullaby
- Twelve Shades of Light
- Promise of Tomorrow