
Geboren am 05. September 1912, Gestorben am 12. August 1992

Mehr Songtexte

  1. The Perilous Night, No. 1
  2. The Perilous Night, No. 2
  3. The Perilous Night, No. 3
  4. The Perilous Night, No. 4
  5. The Perilous Night, No. 5
  6. The Perilous Night, No. 6
  7. Tossed as It Is Untroubled
  8. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle
  9. Root of an Unfocus
  10. Primitive
  11. Mysterious Adventure
  12. And the Earth Shall Bear Again
  13. The Unavailable Memory of
  14. Music For Marcel Duchamp
  15. Totem Ancestor
  16. A Room
  17. Prelude for Meditation
  18. Music for Four (1987/1988)
  19. Music for Four (cont.)
  20. Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (1983)
  21. Thirty Pieces for String Quartet (cont.)
  22. Sonata I
  23. Sonata II
  24. Sonata III
  25. Sonata IV
  26. First Interlude
  27. Sonata V
  28. Sonata VI
  29. Sonata VII
  30. Sonata VIII
  31. Second Interlude
  32. Music for Carillon No. 1
  33. Williams Mix, for 8 Channels of Pre-recorded Tape
  34. Concert for Piano & Orchestra, for Piano & 13 Other Instruments in Any Combination
  35. Europera 5
  36. Two Squared (1989)
  37. Experiences (1945)
  38. Three Dances (1944-45), No.1
  39. Three Dances (1944-45), No.2
  40. Three Dances (1944-45), No.3
  41. Part 1
  42. Part 4
  43. Part 5
  44. Part 6
  45. Part 7
  46. Part 8
  47. String Quartet in Four Parts: 1. Quietly Flowing Along
  48. String Quartet in Four Parts: 2. Slowly Rocking
  49. String Quartet in Four Parts: 3. Nearly Stationary
  50. String Quartet in Four Parts: 4. Quodlibet
  51. 'Four': 1. Part One
  52. 'Four': 2. Part Two
  53. Four
  54. Two
  55. Quartet I: Moderate
  56. Quartet II. Very Slow
  57. Quartet III: Axial Asymmetry. Slow
  58. Quartet IV: Fast
  59. Trio I: Allegro
  60. Trio II: March
  61. Trio III: Waltz
  62. Imaginary Landscape No 1
  63. Living Room Music I: To Begin
  64. Living Room Music II: Story
  65. Living Room Music III: Melody
  66. Living Room Music IV: End
  67. Double Music
  68. Third Interlude
  69. Sonata IX
  70. Sonata X
  71. Sonata XI
  72. Sonata XII
  73. Fourth Interlude
  74. Sonata XIII
  75. Sonatas XIV and XV Gemini (After Richard Lippold)
  76. Sonata XVI
  77. Sonatas XIV and XV
  78. Credo In Us
  79. Quartet: Moderate
  80. Quartet: Very Slow
  81. Quartet: Axial Asymmetry - Slow
  82. Quartet: Fast
  83. She's Asleep
  84. Sonata XIV and XV "Gemini" (after the work by Richard Lippold)
  85. Duo I
  86. Duo II
  87. Duo III
  88. Solo I
  89. Duo IV
  90. Duo V
  91. Duo VI
  92. Solo II
  93. Duo VII
  94. Duo VIII
  95. Duo IX
  96. Roaritorio
  97. Six Melodies 01 (1950)
  98. Six Melodies 02 (1950)
  99. Six Melodies 03 (1950)
  100. Six Melodies 04 (1950)
  101. Six Melodies 05 (1950)
  102. Six Melodies 06 (1950)
  103. Nocturne for Violine and Piano (1947)
  104. Eight Whiskus for Violin 01 (1985)
  105. Eight Whiskus for Violin 02 (1985)
  106. Eight Whiskus for Violin 03 (1985)
  107. Eight Whiskus for Violin 04 (1985)
  108. Eight Whiskus for Violin 05 (1985)
  109. Eight Whiskus for Violin 06 (1985)
  110. Eight Whiskus for Violin 07 (1985)
  111. Eight Whiskus for Violin 08 (1985)
  112. Two6 for Violin and Piano (1992)
  113. One10 for Violin (1992)
  114. Metamorphosis 1 (1938)
  115. Metamorphosis 2 (1938)
  116. Metamorphosis 3 (1938)
  117. Metamorphosis 4 (1938)
  118. Metamorphosis 5 (1938)
  119. In a Landscape (1948)
  120. Quest (1935)
  121. Seven Haiku (1952)
  122. Ophelia (1946)
  123. Two Pieces for Piano - Piece N° 1 (1946)
  124. Two Pieces for Piano - Piece N° 2 (1946)
  125. ASLSP (1985)
  126. Suite for Toy Piano - Part I (1948)
  127. Suite for Toy Piano - Part II (1948)
  128. Suite for Toy Piano - Part III (1948)
  129. Suite for Toy Piano - Part IV (1948)
  130. Suite for Toy Piano - Part V (1948)
  131. One (1987)
  132. Dream (1948)
  133. Seventy-Four (Version I)
  134. The Seasons: Prelude I, Winter
  135. The Seasons: Prelude II, Spring
  136. The Seasons: Prelude III, Summer
  137. The Seasons: Prelude IV, Fall
  138. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra: First Part
  139. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra: Second Part
  140. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra: Third Part
  141. Seventy-Four (Version II)
  142. Suite for Toy Piano: I
  143. Suite for Toy Piano: II
  144. Suite for Toy Piano: III
  145. Suite for Toy Piano: IV
  146. Suite for Toy Piano: V
  147. Suite for Toy Piano (orchestration: Lou Harrison): I
  148. Suite for Toy Piano (orchestration: Lou Harrison): II
  149. Suite for Toy Piano (orchestration: Lou Harrison): III
  150. Suite for Toy Piano (orchestration: Lou Harrison): IV
  151. Suite for Toy Piano (orchestration: Lou Harrison): V
  152. 45', 34'46.776'', 3157.9864'', 27'10.554'', 26'1.1499 (English)
  153. 4'33'' (No.2) (0'00) - Peter Pfister, electronic realization
  154. Two for Flute and Piano (Blum, Schroeder)
  155. 45', 34'46.776'', 31'57.9864'', 27'10.554'', 26'1.1499 (German)
  156. Music for Five
  157. Performance Introduction
  158. Excerpts - 7pm to 8pm
  159. Excerpts - 8pm to 9pm
  160. Excerpts - 9pm to 10pm
  161. Excerpts - 10pm to 11pm
  162. Excerpts - 11pm to 12am
  163. Excerpts - 12am to 1am
  164. Bacchanale (1940)
  165. Totem Ancestor (1942)
  166. And the Earth Shall Bear Again (1942)
  167. Primitive (1942)
  168. In the Name of the Holocaust (1942) - I
  169. In the Name of the Holocaust (1942) - II
  170. Our Spring will come (1943)
  171. A Room (1943)
  172. Tossed as it is Untroubled (1943)
  173. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - I
  174. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - II
  175. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - III
  176. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - IV
  177. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - V
  178. The Perilous Night (1943/44) - VI
  179. Root of an Unfocus (1944)
  180. The Unavailable Memory of (1944)
  181. Spontaneous Earth (1944)
  182. Triple Paced (1944)
  183. A Valentine Out of Season I (1944)
  184. A Valentine Out of Season II (1944)
  185. A Valentine Out of Season III (1944)
  186. Prelude For Meditation (1944)
  187. Mysterious Adventure (1945)
  188. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle (1945)
  189. Music for Marcel Duchamp (1947)
  190. Two Pastorales I (1952)
  191. Two Pastorales II (1952)
  192. Sonata I (prepared piano)
  193. Sonata II (prepared piano)
  194. Sonata III (prepared piano)
  195. Sonata IV (prepared piano)
  196. Interlude I (prepared piano)
  197. Sonata V (prepared piano)
  198. Sonata VI (prepared piano)
  199. Sonata VII (prepared piano)
  200. Sonata VIII (prepared piano)
  201. Interlude II (prepared piano)
  202. Interlude III (prepared piano)
  203. Sonata IX (prepared piano)
  204. Sonata X (prepared piano)
  205. Sonata XI (prepared piano)
  206. Sonata XII (prepared piano)
  207. Interlude IV (prepared piano)
  208. Sonata XIII (prepared piano)
  209. Sonata XIV (prepared piano)
  210. Sonata XV (prepared piano)
  211. Sonata XVI (prepared piano)
  212. Sonata XIV
  213. Sonata XV
  214. I
  215. II
  216. III
  217. Etudes Boreales - I
  218. Etudes Boreales - II
  219. Etudes Boreales - III
  220. Etudes Boreales - IV
  221. 26'1.1499' for a String Player (1953-55)
  222. Solo for Cello (1957-1958)
  223. Variations I
  224. Variations II
  225. Variations III
  226. A Dip in the Lake - Tenquicksteps
  227. A Dip in the Lake - Sixty One Waltzes
  228. A Dip in the Lake - Fifty Six Marxhes
  229. Lecture on Nothing
  230. Sonata 1
  231. Sonata 2
  232. Sonata 3
  233. Sonata 4
  234. Interlude I
  235. Sonata 5
  236. Sonata 6
  237. Sonata 7
  238. Sonata 8
  239. Interlude II
  240. Interlude III
  241. Sonata 9
  242. Sonata 10
  243. Sonata 11
  244. Sonata 12
  245. Interlude IV
  246. Sonata 13
  247. Sonata 14 & 15
  248. Sonata 16
  249. A Room, for Piano
  250. She Is Asleep Duet, for Voice & Prepared Piano
  251. She Is Asleep Quartet, for Twelve Tom-Toms
  252. A Room, for Prepared Piano
  253. In a Landscape, for Piano
  254. Seven Haiku, for Piano
  255. Totem Ancestor, for Piano
  256. Two Pastorales, for Prepered Piano, 1
  257. Two Pastorales, for Prepered Piano, 2
  258. And the Earth Shall Bear Again, for Prepared Piano
  259. Waiting, for Piano
  260. For MC and D.T., for Piano
  261. First Construction (In Metal) (1939)
  262. A Flower (1950)
  263. Second Construction (1940)
  264. Forever and Sunsmell (1942)
  265. Third Construction (1941)
  266. Imaginary Landscape
  267. IV
  268. V
  269. VI
  270. VII
  271. VIII
  272. IX
  273. X
  274. XI
  275. XII
  276. XIII
  277. XIV AND XV
  278. XVI
  279. The Perilous Night (1944): 1
  280. The Perilous Night (1944): 2
  281. The Perilous Night (1944): 3
  282. The Perilous Night (1944): 4
  283. The Perilous Night (1944): 5
  284. The Perilous Night (1944): 6
  285. Four Walls (1944): Scene I
  286. Four Walls (1944): Scene II
  287. Four Walls (1944): Scene III
  288. Four Walls (1944): Scene IV
  289. Four Walls (1944): Scene V
  290. Four Walls (1944): Scene VI
  291. Four Walls (1944): Scene VII
  292. Four Walls (1944): Scene VIII
  293. Four Walls (1944): Scene IX
  294. Four Walls (1944): Scene X
  295. Four Walls (1944): Scene XI
  296. Four Walls (1944): Scene XII
  297. Four Walls (1944): Scene XIII
  298. Europera 3
  299. Europera 4
  300. Etude 1
  301. Etude 2
  302. Etude 3
  303. Etude 4
  304. Etude 5
  305. Etude 6
  306. Etude 7
  307. Etude 8
  308. Etude 9
  309. Etude 10
  310. Etude 11
  311. Etude 12
  312. Etude 13
  313. Etude 14
  314. Etude 15
  315. Etude 16
  316. Part I
  317. Five Stone Wind
  318. In a Landscape
  319. Souvenir
  320. A Valentine Out of Season
  321. Suite for Toy Piano
  322. Bacchanale
  323. Dream
  324. Music of Changes: Buch I
  325. Music of Changes: Buch II
  326. Music of Changes: Buch III
  327. Music of Changes: Buch IV
  328. Bird Cage, Part 1
  329. Bird Cage, Part 2
  330. Bird Cage, Part 3
  331. Bird Cage, Part 4
  332. Bird Cage, Part 5
  333. Bird Cage, Part 6
  334. Bird Cage, Part 7
  335. Bird Cage, Part 8
  336. Bird Cage, Part 9
  337. Excepts From a Conversation With John Cage
  338. Winter Music and Atlas Eclipticalis
  339. Music of Changes: I
  340. Music of Changes: II
  341. Music of Changes: III
  342. Music of Changes: IV
  343. A Flower
  344. Mirakus
  345. Eight Whiskers
  346. Nowth Upon Nacht
  347. Sonnekus
  348. Forever and Sunsmell
  349. Solo for Voice 49
  350. Solo for Voice 52
  351. Solo for Voice 67
  352. Music for Two (By One)
  353. Music for Seventeen
  354. Bacchanale (prepared piano)
  355. Daughter of the Lonesome Isle (prepared piano)
  356. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Prelude I
  357. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Winter
  358. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Prelude II
  359. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Spring
  360. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Prelude III
  361. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Summer
  362. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Prelude IV
  363. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Fall
  364. The Seasons (Ballet in One Act): Finale (Prelude I)
  365. Suite for Toy Piano: 1
  366. Suite for Toy Piano: 2
  367. Suite for Toy Piano: 3
  368. Suite for Toy Piano: 4
  369. Suite for Toy Piano: 5
  370. Ophelia
  371. In The Name Of The Holocaust: A (string piano)
  372. In The Name Of The Holocaust: B (string piano)
  373. Music for Piano #2 (bowed piano)
  374. Imaginary Landscape No. 2
  375. Imaginary Landscape No. 3
  376. Imaginary Landscape No. 4
  377. Imaginary Landscape No. 5
  378. But What About the Noise...?
  379. One2, for 1- 4 Pianos
  380. One, for Piano
  381. Etudes Boreales: I
  382. Etudes Boreales: II
  383. Etudes Boreales: III
  384. Etudes Boreales: V
  385. The Beatles 1962-1970, for Six Taped Channels of Piano
  386. ASLSP: I
  387. ASLSP: II
  388. ASLSP: III
  389. ASLSP: IV
  390. ASLSP: V
  391. ASLSP: VI
  392. ASLSP: VII
  393. ASLSP: VIII
  394. One5
  395. A Valentine Out of Season: I
  396. A Valentine Out of Season: II
  397. A Valentine Out of Season: III
  398. Spontaneous Earth
  399. The Perilous Night: I
  400. The Perilous Night: II
  401. The Perilous Night: III
  402. The Perilous Night: IV
  403. The Perilous Night: V
  404. The Perilous Night: VI
  405. Triple Paced
  406. In the Name of the Holocaust
  407. Our Spring Will Come
  408. Two Pastorales I
  409. Two Pastorales II
  410. Two (4) For Violin and Sho
  411. Two (4) For Violin and Piano
  412. Interlude 1
  413. Interlude 2
  414. Interlude 3
  415. Interlude 4
  416. Sonatas 14 And 15 "Gemini"
  417. Two4 (1991)
  418. Five2 (1991)
  419. Seven (1988)
  420. The Seasons: Prelude I
  421. The Seasons: Winter
  422. The Seasons: Prelude II
  423. The Seasons: Spring
  424. The Seasons: Prelude III
  425. The Seasons: Summer
  426. The Seasons: Prelude IV
  427. The Seasons: Fall
  428. The Seasons: Finale (Prelude I)
  429. Metamorphosis: I
  430. Metamorphosis: II
  431. Metamorphosis: III
  432. Metamorphosis: IV
  433. Metamorphosis: V
  434. Two Pieces for Piano: I. Slowly
  435. Two Pieces for Piano: II. Quite Fast
  436. Quest
  437. Two Pieces for Piano: I
  438. Two Pieces for Piano: II
  439. Four(2) - Version 1
  440. Living Room Music: I. To Begin
  441. Living Room Music: II. Story
  442. Living Room Music: III. Melody
  443. Living Room Music: IV. End
  444. ear for EAR (Antiphonies)
  445. Four(2) - Version 2
  446. Four Solos
  447. Hymns and Variations
  448. Credo in U.S.
  449. The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Spring
  450. Amores No. 1: Solo for Prepared Piano
  451. Amores No. 2: Trio
  452. Amores No. 3: Trio
  453. Amores No. 4: Solo for Prepared Piano
  454. Trio: I. Allegro
  455. Trio: II. March
  456. Trio: III. Waltz
  457. Trio: IV. Aria
  458. sub Aria
  459. The Perilous Night: I.
  460. The Perilous Night: II.
  461. The Perilous Night: III.
  462. The Perilous Night: IV.
  463. The Perilous Night: V.
  464. The Perilous Night: VI.
  465. Tossed as It Is Untroubled (Meditation)
  466. In the Name of the Holocaust, Part 1
  467. In the Name of the Holocaust, Part 2
  468. A Valentine Out of Season, Part 1
  469. A Valentine Out of Season, Part 2
  470. A Valentine Out of Season, Part 3
  471. Two Pastorales, Part 1
  472. Two Pastorales, Part 2
  473. Two5 for Piano and Tenor Trombone
  474. Variations I for Trombone and Piano
  475. Music for Two for Trombone and Piano
  476. HPSCHD, Part 1
  477. HPSCHD, Part 2
  478. HPSCHD, Part 3
  479. HPSCHD, Part 4
  480. HPSCHD, Part 5
  481. HPSCHD, Part 6
  482. HPSCHD, Part 7
  483. HPSCHD Demo, Part 1
  484. HPSCHD Demo, Part 2
  485. Amore Si
  486. Amores II
  487. Amores III
  488. Amores IV
  489. She Is Asleep I
  490. She Is Asleep II
  491. Fifty-Eight 1 (Pannonisches Blasorchester feat. conductor: Wim van Zutphen)
  492. Fifty-Eight 2 (Pannonisches Blasorchester feat. conductor: Wim van Zutphen)
  493. 0'9.032
  494. 1'55.635
  495. 3'46.742
  496. 5'23.314
  497. 7'13.980
  498. 9'33.672
  499. 11'35.809
  500. 13'19.881
  501. 15'38.504
  502. 17'48.512
  503. 19'36.044
  504. 21'33.769
  505. 23'24.029
  506. 25'19.629
  507. 27'16.170
  508. 29'27.224
  509. 31'21.997
  510. 33'31.277
  511. 35'06.467
  512. 36'52.652
  513. 38'37.444
  514. 40'32.429
  515. 42'14.040
  516. 44'06.053
  517. 45'55.651
  518. 47'46.085
  519. 49'32.665
  520. 51'40.328
  521. 53'27.140
  522. 55'36.568
  523. 57'46.623
  524. 60'06.593
  525. 62'33.528
  526. 65'07.755
  527. 67'16.893
  528. 70'19.669
  529. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Grave Adagio
  530. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.1
  531. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.2
  532. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.3
  533. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.4
  534. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.5
  535. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No.6
  536. Three: I.1.
  537. Three: II. A
  538. Three: III. B
  539. Three: IV. C
  540. Three: V.D.
  541. Three: VI. E
  542. Three: VII. F
  543. Three: VIII. G
  544. Three: IX. H
  545. Three: X.I.
  546. Three: XI. 2
  547. Four Walls (Act 1 part 1)
  548. Four Walls (Act 1 part 2)
  549. Four Walls (Act 1 part 3)
  550. Four Walls (Act 1 part 4)
  551. Four Walls (Act 1 part 5)
  552. Four Walls (Act 1 part 6)
  553. Four Walls (Act 1 part 7)
  554. Four Walls (Act 1 part 8)
  555. Four Walls (Act 2 part 1)
  556. Four Walls (Act 2 part 2)
  557. Four Walls (Act 2 part 3)
  558. Four Walls (Act 2 part 4)
  559. Four Walls (Act 2 part 5)
  560. Series re Morris Graves
  561. Series re Morris Graves, Page 19
  562. Series re Morris Graves, Page 20
  563. Series re Morris Graves, Page 21
  564. Series re Morris Graves, Page 22
  565. Series re Morris Graves, Applause
  566. What You Say, Introduction
  567. What You Say, Cage reads Jasper John's Text
  568. What You Say
  569. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Introduction
  570. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Cage reads Jasper John's statement
  571. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Cage describes the Mesostatic
  572. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 1
  573. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 2
  574. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 3
  575. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 4
  576. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 5
  577. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 6
  578. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 7
  579. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 8
  580. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 9
  581. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 10
  582. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 11
  583. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 12
  584. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Mesostatic 13
  585. Art is Either a Compliment or do Something Else, Applause
  586. Part II
  587. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra (1951) - 1st Part
  588. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra (1951) - 2nd Part
  589. Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra (1951) - 3rd Part
  590. Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1957-1958)
  591. Fourteen (1990)
  592. Mysterious Adventure, For Prepared Piano (1945)
  593. TV Koeln, For Piano (1958)
  594. Daughters Of The Lonesome Isle, For Prepared Piano (1945)
  595. Dream, For Piano (1948)
  596. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.1 (1948)
  597. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.2 (1948)
  598. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.3 (1948)
  599. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.4 (1948)
  600. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.5 (1948)
  601. The Perilous Night, For Prepared Piano: No.6 (1948)
  602. Nocturne, For Violin & Piano (1947)
  603. Three Dances, For Two Prepared Pianos: No.1 (1944-45)
  604. Three Dances, For Two Prepared Pianos: No.2 (1944-45)
  605. Three Dances, For Two Prepared Pianos: No.3 (1944-45)
  606. Suite for Toy Piano: I.
  607. Suite for Toy Piano: II.
  608. Suite for Toy Piano: III.
  609. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: I.
  610. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: II.
  611. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: III.
  612. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: IV.
  613. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: V.
  614. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: VI.
  615. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: VII.
  616. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: VIII.
  617. The Seasons / Ballet in One Act: IX.
  618. Music for Amplified Toy Pianos
  619. A Book of Music: I.
  620. A Book of Music: II.
  621. Litany for the Whale
  622. Aria No. 2
  623. Solo for Voice 22, from Songbooks
  624. Experiences No. 2
  625. 36 Mesostics re and not re Marcel Duchamp
  626. Aria
  627. The Year Begins to Be Ripe
  628. Sonatas 1 & 2
  629. Sonata 5 & 6
  630. Book Three: Etude 17
  631. Book Three: Etude 18
  632. Book Three: Etude 19
  633. Book Three: Etude 20
  634. Book Three: Etude 21
  635. Book Three: Etude 22
  636. Book Three: Etude 23
  637. Book Three: Etude 24
  638. Book Four: Etude 25
  639. Book Four: Etude 26
  640. Book Four: Etude 27
  641. Book Four: Etude 28
  642. Book Four: Etude 29
  643. Book Four: Etude 30
  644. Book Four: Etude 31
  645. Book Four: Etude 32
  646. Variations I (1958)
  647. Seven haiku (1951/1952)
  648. Solo for Flute, Alto Flute and Piccolo (1957/1958)
  649. Quodlibet
  650. Twenty-Three
  651. The Wondeful Widow of Eighteen Springs
  652. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 5 "The Lord Descended" (William Billings)
  653. Four Dances: Dance IV
  654. 4'33' (studio version): I
  655. Sculptures Musicale: VIII
  656. Experiences
  657. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 13
  658. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 2
  659. 4'33" (Calm Before the Storm remix by Mr Scruff)
  660. Party Pieces: VIII
  661. Works Of Calder (1949-50) - 1
  662. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Nightclub
  663. Four Dances: Dance I
  664. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 6
  665. Inlets
  666. Four Dances: Dance II
  667. Roaratorio, Part Three (To Line 594)
  668. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 21 "Heath" (William Billings)
  669. Back,/Torcause/Incalduced/One/Physibe/Conterest/Changed/This/Part./Ment
  670. Sculptures Musicale: VII
  671. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 1
  672. 108 A
  673. 4'33' (open windows version): I
  674. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 5
  675. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 4
  676. Part 6 (Version IV)
  677. Two³: 8.
  678. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 3
  679. Twenty-Nine
  680. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 2
  681. Amores for prepared piano & percussion (1943) - 1
  682. Part 8 (Version I, 14.12.2003, 6.00 PM)
  683. Freeman Etudes n. 1
  684. Room/Sentences./Prayamana:/Col/Between
  685. Party Pieces: XVIII
  686. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 8
  687. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 9
  688. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 6
  689. Radio Music for 5 Radio Performers
  690. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 7
  691. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Streetfight
  692. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 14 & 15 'Gemini'
  693. Ams/Seaphytes/Arturesons/(Which/Gesthro
  694. Two³: 9.
  695. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 2
  696. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 8
  697. Book 3: XVIII
  698. Book 2: Etude #13
  699. A Valentine Out Of Season (1944) - 1
  700. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 4
  701. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Woman in the Rain
  702. Dance Music (for EIfrid Ide, 1940): III. With Spirit
  703. One⁵ for piano solo
  704. Music for Piano 14-18
  705. Four Walls: Act I: Scene III: Dance
  706. Party Pieces: XVII
  707. Book 3: XVII
  708. Suite for Toy piano (version for piano): II.
  709. Two³: 6.
  710. Tiescor/You/Posbilten/Forpened/Isidehapgot/Dan/Large/Hoop/Start/Mimes
  711. Totem Ancestor (1943)
  712. Music for Piano 2
  713. Book 4: Etude #25
  714. Solo for Voice 22, From "Songbooks"
  715. Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake, Part Four (To End)
  716. Sim/Channels,/Ure/Chi/Pose
  717. 4'33' (studio version): III
  718. Suite for Toy piano (version for piano): I.
  719. 4'33' (studio version): II
  720. Book 3: Etude #22
  721. Music for Piano 20
  722. Three: F.
  723. A Book of Music, Part 2
  724. Music for Piano 4-5
  725. Three: G.
  726. Twenty-Six with Twenty-Eight & Twenty-Nine
  727. Hymnkus
  728. Four Walls: Act I: Scene V
  729. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 2
  730. Amores: IV. Solo: Prepared Piano
  731. Part 3 (Version II, 15.12.2003, 6.00 AM)
  732. Four⁴
  733. Quartet: II. Very Slow
  734. Two³: 7.
  735. Morning/Life/World/Crossing/Less
  736. Harmpomu/Beicom/Sapertionimsusi/Call/Ingless
  737. Two³: 10.
  738. Twenty-Six
  739. Music for Piano 31-36
  740. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Interlude No. 4
  741. Specralcle/Muu/Natsicta/Plants,/Is/Man/Legs/Forth/Was/Sum
  742. The City Wears a Slouch
  743. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 6
  744. Two³: 4.
  745. Otsecadmy/Move/Lyilarsim.)/Charia/Movement
  746. Book 4: Etude #29
  747. Radio Music
  748. One¹⁰
  749. Concerto For Prepared Piano And Chamber Orchestra (1950-1) - Part 1
  750. Living Room Music, for Percussion and Speech Quartet: Movement 2: Once Upon a Time the World Is Round (Gertrude Stein), Dedicated to Xenia
  751. Com/Well/Muer/Othsic,/Weight
  752. Dance Music (for EIfrid Ide, 1940): I. Fast
  753. Four⁶ (version for Amplified Saxophone Quartet)
  754. Im/Rooted/Run/Dicartiony/Ple
  755. Trio - 7 Woodblocks, Not Chinese -
  756. Music of Changes: Book III
  757. Three: B.
  758. Two³: 5.
  759. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 14 "Brunswick" (James Lyon)
  760. Solo For Prepared Piano
  761. Facts/Your/Find/Proments/T'ai/Persons/Movegram/Each/A/Mak
  762. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 6
  763. Much/Ments/Ro/Cours/Like
  764. Music for Carillon, Part 1
  765. One⁴
  766. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 11 "Wheeler's Point" (William Billings)
  767. Mors/Metal/Paralsdox/Cu/Moraes
  768. One⁷
  769. Music of Changes, Book I
  770. Pieco/Maltumes/Doscencos,/Gymnosperms./Sit/Tinct/Irigcrees/Chris/Dance/Men
  771. Music for Piano 53-68
  772. Roaratorio, Part Four (To End)
  773. 27' 10.554'' for a Percussionist
  774. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 14
  775. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 1
  776. Suite for Toy piano (version for piano): IV.
  777. 4'33"
  778. Works Of Calder (1949-50) - 2
  779. Book 2: Etude #9
  780. Book 1: IV
  781. Dence/Sicductor/Once/In/Premise/On/Gy/Short/Stead/Mucon
  782. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 16
  783. Music for 4 Pianos
  784. Much/Up/Chance/Ing/Piyev/Un/Meretunthing,/Abranched/Stage/Sumer
  785. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 11
  786. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 12
  787. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 13
  788. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: Reactionaries
  789. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: Pessimist
  790. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 10
  791. Five for 5 voices or instruments
  792. Three Dances: I.
  793. Music of Changes (Book III)
  794. Living Room Music for percussion and speech quartet: I. To Begin
  795. Book 3: Etude #19
  796. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 26 "Judea" (William Billings)
  797. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 1
  798. Three: X. I
  799. Fontana Mix / Sextet for Low Woodwinds
  800. Two Pastorales (1952) - No.1
  801. Mir/The/Pre/Crown/We
  802. Chor/Used/Sion,/An/(This/Front/Reg/Ish/Fast,/Com
  803. Book 1: III
  804. Four Walls: Act II: Scene XII
  805. Music for Piano 28-30
  806. Book 2: XVI
  807. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: III. Vistas of the Future: A. Pessimist
  808. Amores: I. Solo: Prepared Piano
  809. Party Pieces: VI
  810. 108 B
  811. Fifty-Eight
  812. Amores for prepared piano & percussion (1943) - 2
  813. Sculptures Musicales
  814. Freeman Etudes n. 2
  815. Living Room Music for percussion and speech quartet: II. Story
  816. From/Soablute,/Er/Con/Space
  817. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: III. Vistas of the Future: B. Optimist
  818. Book 1: II
  819. Gamut/Stayed/Fer/Wench/These
  820. Dance Music (for EIfrid Ide, 1940): II.
  821. Music for Piano 45-48
  822. Music for Piano 69
  823. She Is Asleep: I. For 12 Tom-Toms
  824. Music for Two
  825. Book 1: I
  826. Living Room Music, for Percussion and Speech Quartet: Movement 3 (Solo)
  827. Music for Piano 41-44
  828. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 3
  829. Book 2: X
  830. Book 2: Etude #12
  831. Book 1: V
  832. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 9
  833. Miror/Ex/Rath/Escribrori/Ies
  834. Book 2: IX
  835. Cambery)/Qui/Ons/Anre/Trier/Dances/Amongst/The/Danc/Amemo
  836. A Valentine Out Of Season (1944) - 2
  837. Four Walls: Act II: Scene XIII
  838. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 5
  839. Two Squared
  840. A Book of Music, Part 1
  841. Book 3: Etude #21
  842. Book 3: XX
  843. Three: E.
  844. Confines/Cuse/Sioned/Nu/Ci/Ceno/Tressyscolmugists./Hers./That/Sitem
  845. Cheap Imitation: II.
  846. Music for Piano 19
  847. Three: H.
  848. Mal/These/Series/Black/Japanese
  849. Four A
  850. Four B
  851. Four C
  852. Performance I
  853. Music for Eight
  854. Four Walls: Act I: Scene VII
  855. Music for Piano 1
  856. Untitled
  857. Party Pieces: Xi
  858. Dance/Lus/Een/(Anthe/Which/Calrition/Girl/French/Cepatexgel)/Mi
  859. One⁶: B
  860. One⁶: C
  861. Book 2: Etude #16
  862. Book 3: XXI
  863. Party Pieces: VII
  864. Four Walls: Act I: Scene VI
  865. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Interlude No. 3
  866. Two⁶ for violin and piano
  867. Party Pieces: XX
  868. Quietly Flowing Along
  869. Party Pieces: IV
  870. In The Name Of The Holocaust (1942)
  871. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 1
  872. Dance./Though,/Run/On/Nir/Num/Rhiguage/Huge/Has/Lanzome
  873. Mis/Place/Origlynali/Block/Leaps
  874. Must/GraspedHands/Present/Each/Evidence,
  875. Music for Piano 49-52
  876. Sonata for Two Voices
  877. Twenty-Six with Twenty-Nine
  878. Sixteen Dances: Anger / Interlude / Humor / Interlude / Sorrow / Interlude / The Heroic / Interlude / The Odius / Interlude / The Wondrous / Interlude / Fear / Interlude / The Erotic / Tranquility
  879. Performance II
  880. Four Walls: Act I: Scene IV: Dance
  881. Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake, Part Two (To Line 406)
  882. Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake, Part Two (To Line 406)
  883. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Mirthogram
  884. ear for EAR for widely separated single voices (Antiphonies)
  885. Mat/Next/Shrine/Duct/Steam
  886. Three Dances: II.
  887. Nearly Stationary
  888. Three: A.
  889. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 42 "Rapture" (Supply Belcher)
  890. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 5
  891. Trio - 9 Tomtoms, Pod Rattle -
  892. Three: 2.
  893. Book 4: Etude #28
  894. One⁶: A
  895. Ryoanji for Contrabass and Tape
  896. Concerto For Prepared Piano And Chamber Orchestra (1950-1) - Part 2
  897. Party Pieces: XII
  898. Party Pieces: I
  899. Him/Like/Ra/Which/Career
  900. Music for 3 Pianos
  901. Com/Dur/Now/Conuntor/I/And/Ducgulant!/With/What/Man
  902. Mix/Lyjectiveob/Wrong/Ack,/Suite
  903. Party Pieces: XIV
  904. Party Pieces: V
  905. Ma/Becoming,/Her;/Can/The
  906. Party Pieces: XIX
  907. Party Pieces: X
  908. Book 1: VIII
  909. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Street Poetry
  910. Book 4: XXVIII
  911. Prelude for 6 Instruments in a Minor
  912. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 5
  913. Netmagic/Ous/Found/Thing/It/Ment/Og/Slight/Heads,/Arm
  914. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Phone Call
  915. Four³ for 12 rainsticks, violin, and 2 pianos
  916. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 2
  917. Suite for Toy piano (version for piano): III.
  918. Book 4: Etude #30
  919. Book 3: Etude #18
  920. Book 1: VII
  921. Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake, Part One (To Line 22)
  922. Space/Logue/And/Know/Tive/Une/Yranged/Pho/Janperaru/Arformed
  923. Two Pastorales (1952) - No.2
  924. Teming/(The/Afterestpo/Cul/Inter
  925. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 4
  926. Experience 1
  927. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: The Pupil Is Eager to Learn
  928. Four Walls: Act I: Scene VII: Vocal Interlude
  929. Slowly Rocking
  930. Music for Piano 71
  931. Music for Piano 72
  932. Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake, Part One (To Line 220)
  933. Four Solos for solo quartet
  934. Music for Piano 70
  935. Book 1: VI
  936. Four Dances: Dance III
  937. Music for Piano 79
  938. Action./Muceed/Sicteen/Prosixings/Swift/Ances,/Leg/Throw/Bar/Mind
  939. Quartets I - VIII
  940. Music for Piano 77
  941. Music for Piano 78
  942. Music for Piano 75
  943. Twenty-Eight with Twenty-Nine
  944. Imitations II
  945. Music for Piano 76
  946. Music for Piano 73
  947. Music for Piano 74
  948. Might/Rune/Growing/Civ/Knees;
  949. Music of Changes: Book I
  950. Suite for Toy piano (version for piano): V.
  951. Form/Peoples/Other/Spect/Des
  952. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 10
  953. Jump/Have/Courts,/Danc/Ningeve
  954. Dream (version for piano and contrabass)
  955. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 11
  956. Part 1 (Version IV, 15./16.12.2003, 12.00 PM / 00.00 AM)
  957. Four Walls: Act II: Scene IX
  958. Music for Piano 3
  959. Chad/Would/Con/Erned/Light/Point/Bridge;/Hisicos/Has/Polmorytanto
  960. Mon/Ten/Three/Sicords/Posreimble
  961. Music of Changes: Book II
  962. A Valentine Out Of Season (1944) - 3
  963. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 6
  964. Book 2: Etude #11
  965. Cheap Imitation: III.
  966. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Passersby
  967. Two²
  968. Quartet: IV. Fast
  969. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Holdup
  970. Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake, Part Four (To End)
  971. Two⁵
  972. Thingtioncatak/Accustomed/Imen/Experiment/If/Con/Budg/Through/Gal/Someply
  973. Living Room Music, for Percussion and Speech Quartet: Movement 4 (For Household Objects)
  974. Sixty-Two Mesostics Re Merce Cunningham (Frammenti)
  975. Music for 2 Pianos I
  976. Imsationvipro/Tries/Sar/Rec/En
  977. She Is Asleep
  978. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: Revolutionaries/Pitched Battle
  979. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Interlude 3
  980. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Interlude 2
  981. Cheap Imitation
  982. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Interlude 1
  983. Roaratorio, Part Two (To Line 406)
  984. 108 C
  985. Hymns and Variations for 12 amplified voices
  986. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 19 "New York" (Andrew Law)
  987. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano
  988. Freeman Etudes n. 3
  989. Music for Piano 37-40
  990. Part 9: Repetition Of Part 5 (Version I)
  991. Music for 2 Pianos II
  992. Amores for prepared piano & percussion (1943) - 3
  993. Part 4 (Collage Of Versions I-IV)
  994. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Interlude 4
  995. Experiences II
  996. Electronic Music for 2 Pianos
  997. Entrance/Our/(Behind:/Sense,/bit/Green/Rag/Where/Passe/Meet
  998. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 15
  999. Four Walls: Act I: Scene VIII
  1000. 45' for a Speaker
  1001. Music of Changes: Book IV
  1002. Party Pieces: XIII
  1003. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 4
  1004. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Introduction
  1005. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Interlude No. 2
  1006. Music for Piano 21-27
  1007. Three: V. D
  1008. Book 2: XV
  1009. Book 2: Etude #15
  1010. Perpetual Tango
  1011. Four Walls: Act II: Scene X
  1012. Part 5 (Version III)
  1013. Book 4: XXXII
  1014. Swinging
  1015. Warmth./Movement/There's/Seconds,/Clue
  1016. Concerto For Prepared Piano And Chamber Orchestra (1950-1) - Part 3
  1017. Book 3: Etude #20
  1018. Three: D.
  1019. Four Walls: Act II: Scene XI
  1020. Three: I.
  1021. Book 1: Etude #7
  1022. Book 1: Etude #6
  1023. Book 4: XXXI
  1024. Book 1: Etude #8
  1025. Comex/Could,/An/Plorplexing,/Time/Stone/Tiongain./Rhyth/Allowaa/Tempt
  1026. Book 1: Etude #3
  1027. Book 1: Etude #2
  1028. Book 1: Etude #5
  1029. Book 1: Etude #4
  1030. Living Room Music for percussion and speech quartet: III. Melody
  1031. Book 1: Etude #1
  1032. Quartet: I. Moderate
  1033. Picks/Laugh/Ness/Reigns/Cit/In/Go/There/And/Move
  1034. Roaratorio, Part One (To Line 220)
  1035. A Book of Music
  1036. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Kidnapping
  1037. Three: 1.
  1038. Book 4: Etude #27
  1039. Book 4: XXVII
  1040. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 4
  1041. Feelcreasin/Out/Walksubround/Ne/Piece/Maliation/Inging/Should/Charts/My
  1042. Living Room Music for percussion and speech quartet: IV. End
  1043. Book 2: XI
  1044. Amores: III. Trio: Seven Wood-Blocks
  1045. Book 4: XXIX
  1046. 4′33″
  1047. Book 3: Etude #24
  1048. Book 4: XXVI
  1049. Music for Piano 80
  1050. Music for Piano 81
  1051. Three: I. 1
  1052. Music for Piano 82
  1053. Four Walls: Act I: Scene III
  1054. Music for Piano 83
  1055. Music for Piano 84
  1056. Music for Piano 85
  1057. Twenty-Eight
  1058. Part 7 (Version II)
  1059. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Opening Stroll
  1060. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 3
  1061. Part 3
  1062. Book 2: XIII
  1063. Book 2: XII
  1064. Part 2
  1065. Version I
  1066. Book 3: Etude #17
  1067. Book 4: Etude #31
  1068. Two³: 3.
  1069. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 5
  1070. Four Walls: Act I: Scene II
  1071. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: I. Axioms: B. The Pupil Is Constitutionally Lazy
  1072. Three²
  1073. Four Walls: Act I: Scene I
  1074. Book 3: XXII
  1075. ConLo/Cretetus,/Plant/Foun/Smile,/Tions/Mag/Chez/At/Came
  1076. Book 2: XIV
  1077. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 12
  1078. Laughtears, Conversation on Roaratorio
  1079. Four² for mixed chorus (version 2)
  1080. Freeman Etudes: Book 1: Etude 11
  1081. Version II
  1082. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: We Deal With the Total Child
  1083. Music for Piano 6-13
  1084. Solo for Voice 79, From "Songbooks"
  1085. Two³: 2.
  1086. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
  1087. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: II. A Short Historical Sketch: B. Revolutionaries - Pitched Battle
  1088. Sculptures Musicale: V
  1089. Sonata for Clarinet
  1090. Sculptures Musicale: II
  1091. Mint./E/Sert/Cross/Raephymacintog,
  1092. Melodies for Violin and Keyboard: Melody 1
  1093. Four Walls: Act II: Scene XIV
  1094. Four² for mixed chorus (version 1)
  1095. Man,/Been/BlueGrey/Spec/Mense
  1096. From/Zen/Works/Ac/Be
  1097. Cartridge Music / 11 Instruments
  1098. Monga/We/Tried/Ic/Er
  1099. Sculptures Musicale: IV
  1100. Living Room Music, for Percussion and Speech Quartet: Movement 1 (For Household Objects)
  1101. Sonatas & Interludes (1946-8) - Sonata 7
  1102. Two³: 1.
  1103. Sculptures Musicale: IX
  1104. Book 2: Etude #10
  1105. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No. 16
  1106. 4:33 (In Tre Parti: 0:30/2:23/1:40)
  1107. Freeman Etudes n. 5
  1108. Part 2 (Version III, 15.12.2003, 6.00 PM)
  1109. 108 D
  1110. Freeman Etudes n. 4
  1111. Music for Six
  1112. Roaratorio: An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake, Part Three (To Line 594)
  1113. Amores for prepared piano & percussion (1943) - 4
  1114. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 18 "Old North" (William Billings)
  1115. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Interlude No. 1
  1116. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: The Pupil Is Constitutionally Lazy
  1117. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Along the River
  1118. Book 2: Etude #14
  1119. Party Pieces: XV
  1120. Amores: II. Trio: Nine Tom-Toms, Pod Rattle
  1121. 4'33' (open windows version): II
  1122. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Off in the Ocean
  1123. 4'33' (open windows version): III
  1124. Four Walls: Act I: Scene IV
  1125. Book 4: XXV
  1126. Arms/PosrEim/For/SilicAA/Ifetyble,
  1127. Book 4: XXX
  1128. Mandala,/Leaves./Per/Tach/Three
  1129. Gym/Get/Tionnerfi/Speciismman/Read
  1130. Applaus
  1131. The Perilous Night (1943-4) - 3
  1132. Book 4: Etude #32
  1133. Chance/Duc/Mun/Dance/Im/Lent/Great/Geth/An/Moned
  1134. Sculptures Musicale: VI
  1135. Sculptures Musicale: I
  1136. Three: C.
  1137. Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake, Part Three (To Line 594)
  1138. Book 3: XIX
  1139. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: I. Axioms: A. The Pupil Is Eager to Learn
  1140. Dancer/Suc/Hands/Lysentpre/Media/Danc/Stronged/There./Flash/Come
  1141. Book 3: XXIV
  1142. Tripled Paced (version 2) (1944)
  1143. Music for 5 Pianos
  1144. A Chant With Claps
  1145. Book 3: XXIII
  1146. Cheap Imitation: I.
  1147. Maroningi/Re/Either/Dancchi/Time
  1148. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: II. A Short Historical Sketch: A. Reactionaries
  1149. Three Dances: III.
  1150. Nocturne For Violin And Piano
  1151. Music of Changes (Book IV)
  1152. She Is Asleep: II. For Voice and Prepared Piano
  1153. Party Pieces: IX
  1154. The City Wears a Slouch Hat: Up in the Sky
  1155. Sonata 14+15
  1156. Composition in Retrospect - Lecture by John Cage
  1157. Rhythm/Need/Her/Athletic/There
  1158. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: I. Axioms: C. We Deal With the Total Child
  1159. Book 3: Etude #23
  1160. Sculptures Musicale: III
  1161. Party Pieces: II
  1162. Party Pieces: III
  1163. Book 4: Etude #26
  1164. Party Pieces: XVI
  1165. Solo With Obbligato Accompaniment: Invention No. 3
  1166. Fads and Fancies in the Academy: Optimist
  1167. Four Walls: Act I: Dance
  1168. Rozart Mix
  1169. Amores: IV. Solo for Prepared Piano
  1170. Amores: II. Trio: Nine Tom–toms, Pod Rattle
  1171. 4′ 33″
  1172. Amores: III. Trio: Seven Woodblocks
  1173. Amores: I. Solo for Prepared Piano
  1174. Sonnekus² 1
  1175. Sonnekus² 3
  1176. Sonnekus² 4
  1177. 108 D + Silence
  1178. 108 B + Silence
  1179. 108 A + Silence
  1180. 108 C + Silence
  1181. Dance Music for Elfrid Ide: III
  1182. Dance Music for Elfrid Ide: I
  1183. Dance Music for Elfrid Ide: II
  1184. So That Each Person Is in Charge of Himself
  1185. Perpetual Tango (II)
  1186. Perpertual Canon
  1187. Variations III for Voices and Percussion With Solos
  1188. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: First Interlude
  1189. Music for Piano 21, 22, 26, 29, 34, 36
  1190. Variation I
  1191. Music for Piano 27, 21, 32, 35, 36
  1192. Music for Piano 27
  1193. Music for Piano 27, 21, 32, 36
  1194. Music for Piano 22, 21, 32, 36
  1195. Composed Improvisations for Steinberg Bass Guitar and Snare Drum
  1196. Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano: V.
  1197. Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano: XIV-XV. 'Gemini'
  1198. Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano: XIII.
  1199. Sonatas and Interludes for prepared piano: XI.
  1200. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata No.2
  1201. 4:33
  1202. Two Pieces for Harp: In a Landscape
  1203. Two Pieces for Harp: A room
  1204. Sonata XIV Gemini
  1205. Sonata XV Gemini
  1206. Bacchanale: I.
  1207. String Quartet in Four Parts: IV. Quodlibet
  1208. String Quartet in Four Parts: II. Slowly Rocking
  1209. String Quartet in Four Parts: III. Nearly Stationary
  1210. String Quartet In Four Parts: I. Quietly Flowing Along
  1211. Suite for Toy Piano: Part 2
  1212. Suite for Toy Piano: Part 1
  1213. Suite for Toy Piano: Part 4
  1214. Suite for Toy Piano: Part 3
  1215. Suite for Toy Piano: Part 5
  1216. Five Songs: 1. little four paws
  1217. Five Songs: 3. in Just-
  1218. Fear
  1219. The Erotic
  1220. Three Songs: III. At East and ingedients
  1221. Humor
  1222. The Heroic
  1223. Experiences No.2
  1224. Dream, var.
  1225. Sorrow
  1226. Empty Words With Music For (piano)
  1227. Five Songs: 4. hist whist
  1228. Three Songs: I. Twenty years after
  1229. The Wonderous
  1230. 26'55.988" for 2 Pianists & a String Player
  1231. Tranquility
  1232. Sonata XV (Gemini)
  1233. Interlude
  1234. Anger
  1235. The Odious
  1236. Sonata XIV (Gemini)
  1237. Five Songs: 5. Tumbling hair
  1238. Five Songs: 2. little Christmas tree
  1239. Three Songs: II. Is it as it was
  1240. Fontana Mix / Feed
  1241. Story (1940)
  1242. Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (March No. 2)
  1243. But What About the Noise of Crumpling Paper Which He Used to Do in Order to Paint the Series of "Papiers froissés" or Tearing Up Paper to Make "Papiers déchirées"? Arp Was Stimulated by Water (Sea, Lake, and Flowing Waters Like Rivers), Forests
  1244. Imaginary Landscape No. 2 (March No. 1)
  1245. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano, Sonata No. 2, Part 1 (prepared piano: Julie Steinberg)
  1246. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano, Sonata No. 2, Part 2 (prepared piano: Julie Steinberg)
  1247. Suite for Toy Piano (n°I-II)
  1248. Sonatas & Interludes (First Interlude)
  1249. Three Dances: Dance No. 2
  1250. Three Dances: Dance No. 3
  1251. Three Dances: Dance No. 1
  1252. A Dip in the Lake: Fifty Six Marxhes
  1253. A Dip in the Lake: Sixty One Waltzes
  1254. A Dip in the Lake: Tenquicksteps
  1255. Etudes Boreales: IV
  1256. Spring
  1257. Summer
  1258. Finale (Prelude I Reprise)
  1259. Prelude II
  1260. Winter
  1261. Prelude
  1262. Etude Australe N. VIII, Book I (1974-1975)
  1263. Prelude IV
  1264. Fall
  1265. Prelude III
  1266. 103, Part 1
  1267. Atlas Eclipticalis & Winter Music, Part 2
  1268. Atlas Eclipticalis & Winter Music, Part 1
  1269. 103, Part 2
  1270. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 38 "The Lord is Ris'n" (William Billings)
  1271. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 44 "Bloomfield" (Andrew Law)
  1272. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 15 "Bellingham" (William Billings)
  1273. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 35 "Framingham" (William Billings)
  1274. Apartment House 1776: Harmony 28 "Greenwich" (Andrew Law)
  1275. Fontana Mix With Aria (1958)
  1276. Wbai (1960)
  1277. 0’00’’ (1962)
  1278. Variations I (1960)
  1279. Imaginary Landscape N°.5 (1952)
  1280. Cartridge Music (1960)
  1281. Music for Piano No 52-56
  1282. Amores I
  1283. Little Four Paws
  1284. Dream (Version For Archlute And Bass Viol)
  1285. Story
  1286. Art Is Either a Complaint or Do Something Else, Part 1
  1287. Art Is Either a Complaint or Do Something Else, Part 2
  1288. Perpetual Canon (vers. A)
  1289. WBAI
  1290. Imaginary Landscape N°.5
  1291. 0’00’’
  1292. Three Dances: #2
  1293. Three Dances: #1
  1294. Three Dances: #3
  1295. Nocturne
  1296. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra / Solo for Voice I / Solo for Voice II
  1297. Series re Morris Graves: Page 5
  1298. Series re Morris Graves: Page 4
  1299. Series re Morris Graves: Page 7
  1300. Series re Morris Graves: Page 6
  1301. Series re Morris Graves: Page 1
  1302. Series re Morris Graves: Page 3
  1303. Series re Morris Graves: Page 2
  1304. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 7
  1305. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 6
  1306. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 1
  1307. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 8
  1308. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 9
  1309. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 5
  1310. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 4
  1311. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 3
  1312. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 2
  1313. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 11
  1314. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 10
  1315. Series re Morris Graves: Page 14
  1316. Series re Morris Graves: Page 13
  1317. Series re Morris Graves: Page 12
  1318. Series re Morris Graves: Page 15
  1319. Series re Morris Graves: Page 16
  1320. Series re Morris Graves: Page 10
  1321. Series re Morris Graves: Page 19
  1322. Series re Morris Graves: Page 18
  1323. Series re Morris Graves: Page 17
  1324. Series re Morris Graves: Page 11
  1325. What You Say: Introduction
  1326. Series re Morris Graves: Page 9
  1327. Series re Morris Graves: Page 8
  1328. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Introduction
  1329. Diary: Part 1
  1330. Diary: Part 3
  1331. Diary: Part 2
  1332. Diary: Part 5
  1333. Series re Morris Graves: Page 21
  1334. Diary: Part 4
  1335. Series re Morris Graves: Page 22
  1336. Series re Morris Graves: Page 20
  1337. What You Say: What You Say
  1338. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Cage describes the Mesostatic
  1339. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Cage reads Jasper John's statement
  1340. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 13
  1341. Art is Either a Complaint or do Something Else: Mesostatic 12
  1342. What You Say: Cage reads Jasper John's Text
  1343. Series re Morris Graves: Introduction
  1344. Diary: Part 7
  1345. Diary: Part 6
  1346. Diary: Part 8
  1347. Empty Words (Silent Solo)
  1348. Empty Words (Vocal Solo)
  1349. Song Books I-II / Empty Words III
  1350. Some Of "The Harmony Of Maine"
  1351. Postcard From Heaven
  1352. Verging Lightfall: I Libnas ikon: path
  1353. Thirteen Harmonies-The Lord Descended -Billings
  1354. Verging Lightfall: III Wintered Stars, The Slow Fire
  1355. Thirteen Harmonies-Greenwich-Law
  1356. Thirteen Harmonies-Bloomfield-Law
  1357. Thirteen Harmonies-Judea-Billings
  1358. Verging Lightfall: II Moetnas frond
  1359. Thirteen Harmonies-Rapture-Supply Belcher
  1360. Thirteen Harmonies-Framingham-Billings
  1361. Thirteen Harmonies-Brunswick-James Lyon
  1362. Thirteen Harmonies-The Lord Is Risen -Billings
  1363. Thirteen Harmonies-Old North-William Billings
  1364. Thirteen Harmonies-Heath-Biillings
  1365. Thirteen Harmonies-Mix
  1366. Thirteen Harmonies-New York-Andrew Law
  1367. Thirteen Harmonies-Wheeler's Point -Billings
  1368. Thirteen Harmonies- Bellingham-Billins
  1369. Questions and Answers
  1370. Questions and Answers (continued)
  1371. Reading Mesostic IV (continued)
  1372. Reading Mesostic IV
  1373. Song Books 1971
  1374. 27' 10.554"
  1375. 26 1 1499
  1376. 27 10 554 Side 2
  1377. 27 10 554 side 1
  1378. Four Walls, Act I, Scene 3: Dance
  1379. Four Walls: Act II, Scene 9
  1380. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 1
  1381. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 2
  1382. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 5
  1383. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 6
  1384. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 7
  1385. Four Walls: Act I, Scene 8
  1386. Four Walls, Act I, Scene 4: Dance
  1387. Four Walls: Act II, Scene 10
  1388. Four Walls: Act II, Scene 11
  1389. Four Walls: Act II, Scene 12
  1390. Four Walls: Act II, Scene 13
  1391. One⁷ (1992)
  1392. Four⁶ (1992)
  1393. Cartridge Music (1960) / II Instruments (2005)
  1394. Fontana Mix (1958) / Sextet For Low Woodwinds (2005)
  1395. Fontana Mix (1958)
  1396. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata XII
  1397. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Second Interlude
  1398. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata X
  1399. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata I
  1400. Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano: Sonata V
  1401. Book of Changes, Book One


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