Jim White Songtexte
Geboren 1962
The Blackeyed Susans
Boxhead Ensemble
Dirty Three
The Feral Dinosaurs
Ed Kuepper with Jim White
Gareth Liddiard & Jim White
Charlie Marshall and The Body Electric
People With Chairs Up Their Noses
Kim Salmon and STM
Tren Brothers
Venom P. Stinger
Xylouris White
All Hits: Memories
- Curtains (von Jim White)
- Percussion Build (von Jim White)
- Marketplace (von Jim White)
- Soft Material (von Jim White)
- St. Francis Place Set Up (von Jim White)
- Uncoverup (von Jim White)
- Walking the Block (von Jim White)
- Jully (von Jim White)
- Long Assemblage (von Jim White)
- Names Make The Name (von Jim White)
- No/Know Now (von Jim White)
- Stationary Figure (von Jim White)
- Here Comes (von Jim White)