Orchestral Series, Volume 2: Action/Adventure/Suspense
- Trinity
- At All Costs
- Of Catastrophic Proportions
- Hold the Line... Fire at Will
- Ultimate Contest
- The Dark March
- The Arrival
- Arising
- Vanquish
- Rampage
- Continued Existence
- Catacomb
- Prophecy
- Cardiac
- Menace
- Tribal Adrenaline
- Titan
- Killer on the Loose
- Trinity (instrumental)
- At All Costs (instrumental)
- Of Catastrophic Proportions (instrumental)
- Hold the Line... Fire at Will (instrumental)
- Ultimate Contest (instrumental)
- The Dark March (instrumental)
- The Arrival (instrumental)
- Arising (instrumental)
- Vanquish (instrumental)
- Rampage (instrumental)
- Continued Existence (instrumental)
- Catacomb (instrumental)
- Prophecy. (instrumental)
- Cardiac (instrumental)
- Menace (instrumental)
- Titan (instrumental)
Orchestral Series, Volume 4: Action/Adventure/Fantasy
- Ira Deorum
- Aeternum
- Terminal
- Veritas
- Kronos
- Sanctus
- Dies Irae
- Invictus
- Lux Eternal
- Rite of the Imperium
- Without Restraint
- Recon
- Dominion
- Imminent Threat
- Manus Dei
- Ascent
- Ira Deorum (no choir)
- Aeternum (no choir)
- Terminal (no choir)
- Veritas (no choir)
- Kronos (no choir)
- Sanctus (no choir)
- Dies Irae (no choir)
- Invictus (no choir)
- Lux Eternal (no choir)
- Rite of the Imperium (no choir)
- Without Restraint (no choir)
- Recon (no choir)
- Dominion (no choir)
- Imminent Threat (no choir)
- Manus Dei (no choir)
- Ascent (no choir)
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 1
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 2
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 3
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 4
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 5
- PM, Volume 4: Drone 6
Pushing Daisies: Season 2 (Soundtrack)
- Young Pie Pusher
- Colonel Lickin’
- Betty’s Bees
- Welcome Home
- Magic Night
- Cannon Range
- Clown Revival
- Remember Lazarus
- Young Olive
- Holy Drop & Emerson
- Dad’s Magic
- Young Emerson Cod
- Friends, Inc.
- Steamy Buns
- Dim Sum Meet
- Cod’s Plan
- Maurice & Ralston
- Crank Call
- Interrogation
- Olive Darling!
- Trophy Facts
- Desert Chicken Pox
- Nora Undeaded
- Cod & Olive Interview
- Norwegians!
- Olive’s Neglect
- Dickers
- Coco Juniper
- Young Cod at School
- Cod and Stingwell
- Last Wrap Up